Orga x OC Ch 3

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~Present Time X784~
Sapphire finished the memory and looked back at Makarov. "Nothing happened in the guild that is making me want to leave" she finishes quickly hoping he knew what she meant.

"So I'm assuming it happened on the mission then Sapphire?". All she could do is nod while trying to avoid his gaze which is a first for Makarov to see her like this. Now he starts getting worried.

He starts walking towards her and puts his hands on her arms "Please tell me what is wrong Sapphire, this isn't like you at all so please tell me what happened?".

She looks at him and with a straight face "I found my mate on my last mission Master. The reason I must leave is because he is in another guild. I already know what you are going to ask, but no I do not know the guild or his name".

Makarov is absolutely shocked at this point because she is still so young. She is only 12, how is this possible? and to have already found her mate at her age is unheard of.

He quickly regains his composure and looks at her seriously "If you do not know the guild name nor the boys name how will you find him my child? How do you even know he is in a guild?".

"I don't know what guild he belongs to because his guild mark was covered up, but I know he belongs to one because he was on a communication lacrima talking to someone on the other end that he finished his mission". She saw the hesitation and doubt in his eyes as she was telling him this.

"Master the only way I can find him is through his scent. He traveled through Magnolia to the west so I need to go before I lose his scent. Please let me go Master" she squats to be on his eye level as she struggles to keep calm.

"This is my only chance. You know how rare it is for a dragon slayer to find their mate so you must let me go Master please I beg of you!"

He is absolutely speechless as to her actions. Never has he or anyone for that matter seen her act this way. Finding him must be extremely important if just finding him and seeing him does this to her.

He closes his eyes and when he opens them he has tears in his eyes. "Okay Sapphire, I shall grant your request even though it pains me to see you leave us". He is sniffling at this point to not let his tears spill.

"You do realize that you can come back to us anytime and we shall welcome you again with open arms my child"

Sapphire nods her understanding and gives a small genuine smile "I understand, but I don't think I will come back. However, I will make sure to visit in the future Master"

She lifts up her brown cloak that she wears on every mission to show her navy blue guild mark on her shoulder so that Makarov can remove it. He removes it and at this point is letting the tears fall freely. She looks down at her now nonexistent guild mark that used to sit on her shoulder noting how weird it felt already to not see it.

"Now Sapphire" as he tries to keep it together a bit longer so she could at least understand him "As you know, now that you are no longer a member of Fairy Tail you must not speak of any of our secrets with anyone and if you do there will be severe punishment". She gave her understanding and reassurance that she would die before telling anyone.

"And Master I have one last request for you" he looks at her ready to help her probably one last time for a while.

"I need you to not tell anyone that I am leaving, the reason I left, and where I am going please. At least until they figured out that I have left for good then you can tell them the reason, but do not tell them which way I went because they will most likely come looking for me to bring me home. Especially Natsu, Gray and Erza". Makarov's tears stop all together as asked and gives his word that he will not tell.

Sapphire covers up her shoulder again and make sure it doesn't have a chance to show and raise questions from the guild. "Thank you again for everything Master. I will contact you on my communication lacrima when I make it to the guild, but just to be cautious I won't tell you when you're in the guild in case Natsu overhears our conversation".

"I understand Sapphire. Just be careful out there by yourself please. I will still worry about you even though you are no longer a member of Fairy Tail."

"I know Master and I won't forget that" as she closes the door behind her leaving his office.

Sapphire heads downstairs and tries to leave without anybody noticing which is impossible when Natsu is around. As she got close to the guild doors Natsu turns around and yells "Hey Sapphire! Where are you going you just got here?" and that was cue for Happy to pop in and ask "Do you have a stomach ache from eating a lot of fish? I had a really bad one earlier today from eating 10 fish".

She gave them a small smirk from hearing happy talk about fish, "No Happy I don't have a stomach ache from eating too much fish. I just came back from my mission. As you can see Natsu I'm filthy and my muscles are sore so I want to go home and take a bath please".

They just stare at her thinking she's a bit crankier than usual. They just figured her last mission was a hard one compared to the other missions. "Okay well rest up so that we can fight later Sapphire. You haven't fought me yet and that's gonna change!"

"I'm not going to fight you Natsu. Even if I did you wouldn't last for 1 minute against me". This irritated Natsu so when she turned around to leave he tried attacking her with his Roar of the Fire Dragon which she turned around and used your Roar of the Ice Dragon stopping his attack.

"Listen Natsu I'm tired, filthy, and irritated right now because of you!". Everyone is paying attention right now because this is one of the few times her anger has shown as she is usually calm and collected.

"Fine you wanna fight Natsu let's fight!". This gets Natsus blood boiling at her statement ready to fight "I'm fired up!".

He charges at her "Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang!" and as she jumps in the air dodging the attack " Ice Age: White Beak" she sent hundreds of ice shards toward Natsu making sure to miss vital organs.

If she was going going to leave and possibly not see them again for a while she wanted to give Natsu the fight he has been begging for as a sort of parting gift.

Natsu uses his fire fists to break the ice shards going towards him so she decides to use her lighting magic instead. " Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd!" this catches Natsu by surprise, but while he is distracted dodging it she uses her Roar of the Lightning and Ice dragon combined knocking Natsu out.

Sapphire walks over to his unconscious body that broke a table to make sure she didn't do any serious damage to anything vital. She let out a relieved sigh once she determined he wasn't in serious danger.

Laxus comes up to her "Why did you decide to fight him now instead of blowing him off and walking away like you normally do?".

She looked right at him with her usual expressionless face "Because he got on my last nerves" (That was a lie. She didn't get mad at him, she just wanted to give him the fight he always wanted before she left and so that he wouldn't follow her).

"As you can see Laxus just like I told Natsu I'm tired and filthy; I just want to go home take a bath and sleep".

He feels like there is something she's not telling him, but he let's it go for now and he'll ask her more about it later. "Fine go home. I'll make sure this idiot" as he holds the unconscious Natsu by the collar "Doesn't run after you for a rematch" tossing Natsu to Mira.

"Thanks Laxus. See everyone later" as she makes eye contact with Makarov. Hopefully I will get a few days before they figure it out as she walked out of the guild not knowing when she would be able to see them again. "Time to get my stuff and head West. Let's hope you're gonna be easy to track and find" as she walks towards her apartment.

Orga x OC  Electric Mate (Fairy Tail Lemon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن