Chapter One ◊

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I swear Mr. Garcia can talk for hourssssss

"Senior Project counts for half your grade of the ending semester, don't forget that, guys!" His raspy middle-aged teacher voice roared through the class. The few kids in the room groaned at the word 'project'. Me included. This blows. "First class is next Thursday, and you NEED this project in order to graduate or switch back to your old school. So if you plan on any of that, don't be irresponsible!"

I could feel Mr. Garcia digging his eyes into me as my thumbs flickered over the screen of my phone.

Just smiiiiile and put it away.

"As I was saying, don't be irresponsible... Now, You have 5 weeks left in this semester, get to working people!"

I groaned in my seat at the thought of senior project. That myth that wasn't really a myth when your senior year came around. the Project every senior dreaded was now on my lap, and I hated every second I had to think of it. If having to try to graduate or going to college wasn't enough, I had to get a good grade on this stupid project or graduation wasn't even an option. Going back to my old school wouldn't be either.

Great. Now I have more worrying to do. life is so unfair. I hate you, life.

Of course, me and Audree weren't sure if we even wanted to go back. But we didn't have that long to choose.

"What're you guys going to do your project on?" Jackie asked, turning her head to me, then Audree.

We both rolled our eyes back, with a flustered look on our face.l I could.d tell she was  feeling the heat just as much as I was.

"Honestly, I don't know but I'm done with school for today. Lets go?" Audree looked over at the clock then over at us, with her tired Bambi eyes.

Jackie and I nodded dramatically, so done with the piles of work we could later do. We both looed at each other with a sly smile and knew what was on each other's minds.

"Mr. Garcia?" Audree asked, his head peered up at her. "I have to take my little brother home he's really sick, and i'm their only ride home. Can they come with me?" She flashed an innocent smile at him and he playfully rolled his eyes while motioning at the door.

"Thanks, Mr. Garcia!" We all shouted after the door as we skipped out.

Pros of  'independent schools' in California. You can skip out early and not go some days and you don't get your Head chopped off. Yeah, going back to a normal school wasn't looking so great.

"Ugh,I'm so glad I'm outta there!" Audree shook her head in relief, as she looked for her car keys and the unlock button. *beep beep*  "Where you guys headed? Need a ride?"

I swear, Audree getting a car had to be the best thing that happened to us.

I looked over at Jackie who's smile had come back and knew exactly what she wanted to do.

"Wanna blaze it?" I asked, a smile forming across my cheeks as I spit out the second word. Her overly excited nod was more than enough.I laughed as I turned back to Jackie "It's cool, we'll walk. We're just going to the train tracks. Drive safe tho! Love you!" I hollard and waved behind me as we began our way to the tracks and Audree sped off.

I loved my current school and where I was at the moment. Or I did. Everything was so perfect for so long. I had recently came into a lot of money because of my seasonal and First job I ever had. Which meant I came into allot of money. Which meant I came into a lot of weed, which I couldn't seem to get enough of lately. And if it weren't for a certain recent tragedy, I would have been overly excited to skip out and smoke with one of my main best friends. My little Jackie, I smiled and thought, as I looked over at her and locked my arm between hers. But, it was bitter sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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