Chapter 9

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Since not everyone gets to notice the authors note I decided to write it at the very top and I hope you guys read it! So after a long time of not updating I'm finally back guys! I hope you guys are still supporting and I'm amazed because of the support until now.

And a favor I wanted to ask of you guys is that I want you guys to check out a new story of mine named dream girl! Knowing that you support both of these stories would mean a lot to me and would help me strive harder to update more! I really do hope you guys give it a shot! Well i shouldn't be disturbing you from reading the chapter so please do continue reading!



Mo yeon's POV

It's seems that the time has finally come for me to go there huh? It has been some time since the last time Shi jin, Dae young and I have been together. I really miss those guys.

"Lieutenant! we have to leave now if we want to get there as soon as possible." He looked like he was trying to fasten the pace so I went along with what he said and went to the needed area.

Should he even be allowed to talk to me like that? Well I'm sure he isn't... but I should forgive him for now.

Well. The faster we are the earlier we get there. So here I go...

See you guys soon... Dae young... Shi jin.

Soo hyun's POV

Where are they?! Myung Joo is looking for them and I'm 100% sure that she wouldn't be happy if they were late. Knowing her... we'll have to run 250 laps around the area. NO! we'll be too tired to even do our jobs if we do that! *shiver*

Sigh... they already know that Myung joo is really serious about work and there they go about doing whatever they want. Just because we're close doesn't change the fact that she is our superior.

"Woo bin?! Jong suk?! Aish where are you guys?!" I yelled as I searched every nook and crany I could encounter. I have to find them soon if I wanted to survive the day without dying of tiredness.

"Come out wherever you guys are hiding already! Do you guys want Captain Yoon to get angry?! She said to meet her in 20 minutes and it's already been 45! You guys know what that means right? 250 laps around the whole area!" I yelled in my desperation. Well if they wanted to get punished that they can go and get it but if they do I have to go with them and I'd rather they do it alone without my help thank you very much!

As I went to each and every room possible I then gave up and went back to go to Myung joo's room. They can all go get punished for all I care. I already have quite a lot of laps to think about.

While walking I suddenly encountered Shi jin as he was going to go inside a room to hide.

"yah! Shi jin!! Where have you guys been?!" I asked as I couldn't help but panic knowing that they've been hiding all along not knowing that we're sooo gonna get punished.

"Well we've been in this room since a loong time ago and you didn't bother checking so we also didn't bother to go out." He said. Aishhh these people are so clueless! Don't they know what's going to happen because of what they did?

I started to walk towards Jong suk and Woo bin as they were sitting beside Dae young and Shi jin. Good they're gathered in one spot. Bad news shared at the very same time!

"Well since all of you guys weren't listening to me when I was calling you then I should inform you that Captain Yoon has been calling for us." I said as calmly as possible. At least as possible as the panic inside of me can allow.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go. We should never allow Captain Yoon to wait afterall." Jong suk said. Wow. To late for that if you'd ask me. But they don't know now do they?

"Yeah we shouldn't the last time we were late I couldn't walk for weeks because of the laps we had to run." Woo bin said. And because of it Shi jin and Dae young started to come with also. They didn't want to face the wrath of and angry Captain Yoon that they've always heard about afterall.

"Well too late for that now isn't it?" I asked them. Well it really is. We're already 40 min late! I could endure 25 min late but 40? Well I guess I wouldn't be allowed to walk for a few days.

"Hmm? What do you mean lieutenant Kim?" Dae young asked curiously. He really is clueless isn't he? Get the shock of your lives everyone. Because it's impossible not to.

"Well Captain yoon has been waiting for us for quite some time now. She did afterall say to me that we had to meet her in 20 min but hey! It's already been a looong looong time since she's been waiting if I do say so myself. Probably 40 friggin minutes late!!!" I shouted. Yes I'm usually very stoic but an angry Yoon is a scary Yoon. And I for one don't want to be the receiving end of it.

All of their faces suddenly started to change from happy go lucky to that of shock and despair. Hah! Serve you guys right for having me take the fall with you!

"What?! Then why are we only walking right now? We have to get there now!" Shi jin said in panic. Well isn't he so smart? Way to tell the obvious there.

All of us started to fasten our pace as we ran towards the room that we dreaded to the most. She forgives us.. she forgives us not. She forgives us.. she fogives us not. She forgives us!!! She forgives us not... no! Think positive Soo hyun! Our angel like Captain won't do anything to hurt us! At least not in a way that the higher ups will think that she's abusing her authority... argh! Why did I have to go and search for them in the first place?!

I knocked on the door and said,

"Captain Yoon? We've arrived now. Should we come in?" I asked timidly. Yeah I know how can a grown man like me be scared of her? Well who the hell wouldn't be scared is the real question that should be asked. If I do find the one immune from her than I'd cry a river of tears and congratulate him from the very bottom of my heart.

"Come in..." She said. We froze. That tone of hers. Haha.. we're dead. I'm so sure of it. She doesn't forgive us! Damn flower for being right for once.

"I said to come in." She repeated. Oh no. She's angry. Well here goes nothing. It's better to face it now that to add another reason for her to be pissed off.

I opened the door and as all of us walked in we all stood in front of her. Dae young, Jong suk, Woo bin, and I then all said at unison: "salute!"

"Well well well. Do you guys know what time it is? I guess not seeing as you guys are more than 40 minutes late. Am I right or am I right?" Myung joo asked as she stood up and started to pace around us.

Yep. She's angry. She's pissed right now. Me being afraid is the understatement of the century because I'm sure that I am terrified right now.

"I've only recently stubled upon them Captain Yoon! I've been searching all over for them and only found them recently." I explained. Well unity might not be the one I'm upholding right now but I'm fat too nervous about what Myung joo could do to even care.

"Well you guys are still late aren't you? Well since you guys are more than 40 min late I should give you more than 400 laps right? But hey I'm feeling rather generous right now so 350 laps only." She said. I know it may be weird but I'm actually very very happy to know that it's been cut by quite a bit.

"Oh and the higher ups have given me permission to uphold discipline whenever really needed so Captain Shi jin should take part in it right? But don't worry Captain We are equals so 300 should do right?" She said innocently. Hah! How can it be innocently said! Im pretty sure that behind that smile is a smirk so dangerous and a plan to bring us all down!

"Well before you guys complain I have something to inform you..." she then started to look at us one by one as if trying to deciper our reactions.

"They're coming..."

Oh no... another round of a war is brewing and I really don't want to take part of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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