The Beginning

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It's the year 4000 and you and everyone else is doomed to extinction. The final breath you speak before you die is, "I'm sorry." The sun exploded, burning everyone to a crisp. Even you.--

Here's where it all began. You were born on  March 1, 3979. You were healthy, but you had a heart condition that could affect you in the future. You're mother was loving and would do anything to see you smile. You're father, oh your father. He was a loving man. He always gave you the biggest hugs and the sweetest kisses. He loved you more than anyone can love anything. A few years go by and you're 7 years old. It sound ordinary, but believe me, it was far from it. 

You're parents call you into the room. Your father is crying, trying to hold back tears. Your mother sits you down, looking into your eyes. "Baby, we have some news to tell you." She said. You look into her eyes. "What mama? Is daddy okay? What wrong mommy?" You ask. Your father begins to bawl, his tears trickle through his hands and onto his shirt. "Daddy?" You say confused. Your mother begins to talk, "Hon, your father and I have been talking it over and we've decided to let you decide whether you want the surgery or not." You drop your head to your hands. "Really momma?" You ask. She nods. You look at your father, who's still crying. "Why is daddy crying?" He looks up. His face is red, his eyes are puffy, and his hands are watery. "I'm crying because I love you." He says. You walk towards him. "I love you too Daddy." You reply as your arms wrap around his waist. "Just think about it okay?" Says your mother. You nod. It was getting late. Your mother lays you down for bed. She kisses your forehead and leaves. You fall asleep.

You wake up to plates breaking. You jump up. You run downstairs. You see your father throwing plates onto the floor. "Daddy what are you doing?" You ask curiously. He turns to you. "Well darling, im trying to find something. Can you help me find it?" He asks. You're eyes widen, his eyes are white. All of it. His skin is pale and lifeless. You back up slowly. "Momma!" You scream,"Momma!" Your mother runs downstairs. She sees your father throwing plates. She holds you. "What happened to daddy?" You press your face into her shirt. "I want daddy." She holds you tighter. "That isn't your father, I don't know what that is." She replies. Your body trembles. You don't know what that thing is, you don't know why it looks like your father, and you don't know where your father is. You try to cry, but you gasp for air as you grab your chest. The anxiety of this situation was too much for your heart, you're having a heart-attack. Your mother screams. She rushes to the phone and dials 911. They send and ambulance. Your eyes begin to grow droopy, your head is pounding. Your mother is holding you close. She mumbles,"Goddamnit." You close your eyes. You're dead.

You scream. Your eyes spring open. All you see is the blinding light of a hospital bed. "Where am I?!" You ask. Your mother jumps awake. "Oh my baby, my beautiful baby, you're alright!" She yells. You look around the room. Your  father isn't there. "Where's daddy?" You ask. She looks around the room. "Momma?" You say. She focuses on you. "Look hon, the figure you saw in the house, it was your father. He wasn't in a right state of mind. He was possessed by something. The hospital tried everything they could to help keep him alive, but...but...--" she chokes. "But what momma?" You ask curiously. A tear rolls down her cheek. "But, he's dead. He died yesterday, while you were still asleep." You lay back against the wall and stare at your wristband. "So, he's gone?" You cry. She nods. You begin to cry. You can't help but to be weak. Your best friend in the entire world, your father, your family, your entire world, is dead. "This isn't real momma, I won't let it!" You yell. You stand up from your bed and begin to walk down the hallway. "Where is his room momma?! Where is it?! I have to see him!" You scream. Your mother rushes to you. "Look baby the doc--" You interrupt her. "I don't care what the doctors did, what did you do? What did I do?" You ask. 

You rush into a room. You see your father's lifeless body lying in the bed. You hold him. He's cold and limp. You bite your lip to prevent yourself from crying. "I'm here daddy, I promise." A tear rolls down your cheeks and falls on your fathers chest. The monitor begins to beep again, he has a heartbeat. "Daddy?! I'm here daddy! I won't let you go!" You smile. His eyes slowly open up and he gasps for air. "Baby...a-are you okay?" He mumbles. You nod, " Yes daddy, I'm okay." You hug him. "I thought I d-died, w-what happened?" He asks. You grin. "I don't know, I was crying and a tear rolled down my cheek onto your chest, and then you were alive again." He smiles at you. "That's my baby, always saving the day." You sit in the bed with him. Your mother is sitting a chair. "I guess I wasn't thinking about what we could've done." You smile at her." It's okay momma, he's okay now." She hugs you and your father. You cry. Your family was everything. Your family was your world. "Can we go home now?" You ask. Your parents laugh. "Yes baby, we can go home." 

You sit in the backseat of the car. You keep staring at your dad sitting in the passengers side. "Daddy?" You ask. He turns to you. "Yes cupcake?" He replies. "Will I be okay if I get the surgery?" You ask. He turns back around, "We'll talk about that later." You nod. "Okay. I love you." He smiles, "I love you too."

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