The Middle

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It's the year 3997, you're 18 now. You agreed to get the open heart surgery when you were 8. The operation was successful, but the doctors cannot guarantee that you are 100% cured, but you won't have heart attacks as often as you did. You're pregnant with twins now. They're only 5 months, 4 more and they'll be born. You can't face the reality that you're already having twins, let alone children. You have a wonderful and supportive fiancé, his name is Nolan. "I just can't believe that we're having twins!" He smiles. You nod. You prop yourself down into the dining room chair. "Me neither, do we know what gender they are yet?" You ask. "Not yet, but the last time we went, they said that they'll tell us the next time we go." He replies. You move your cup towards you. "That's today isn't it? At 12:00?" You ask. Nolan nods. "Yep, it's 10:45 right now." You begin to eat breakfast. "Alright, just let me finish and I'll get ready." You say. 

You arrive to your appointment. The doctor calls you into the room. You lay down on the bed. The doctor conducts the ultrasound. You are indeed having twins. "What gender are they?" You ask the doctor. She looks at the screen. "It looks like they're both girls! Congratulations!" She says. You smile. "Nolan, we're having baby girls!" Nolan smiles," Do you have any names in mind?" You nod. "Only one, and it's Luna Len." You reply. Nolan smiles," I like the way you think." You look at him. "Do you have a name in mind?" You ask. Nolan looks up. "Yeah, but I don't really know if you'll like it." He says. You put your hand on his shoulder. "I'll like anything you say if it's worth saying." Nolan kisses your stomach. "Okay, I was thinking Star Lynn, or Star Rouge." He explains. "I love it! I like Star Lynn,is that okay?" You ask. Nolan nods. You exit from the appointment and drive home. 

It's 4 months later, and the twins aren't born yet. "I wonder when they'll be here." Nolan asks. You turn to him. "The doctor said they'll be due sometime next week." You reply. You sit up on the couch, you feel something wet. Your stomach is killing you. You're in labor. "NOLAN!!" You scream. He turns around. You're standing up, holding your stomach. "THE TWINS ARE COMING!" Nolan rushes you into the car. He buckles you. "Whatever you do, don't push." Yelled Nolan. You feel the twins anxiously waiting to come out. You scream,"ARE WE THERE YET NOLAN?!" Nolan looks at you. "Almost baby, just one more block." You pull into the emergency room. Nolan runs to the front desk. "My fiancé, she giving birth to our twin right now! Can you help her please?!" He asks. The doctors and nurses help you into the delivery room. "Okay, what I need you to do is take a deep breath in and push as hard as you can." Said a nurse. You nod. You take a deep breath in. You push and you feel yourself growing lightheaded. "I'm getting lightheaded." You say. Another nurse puts a cold towel on your forehead. "I need you to push again." Said a nurse. You push again. "One more push, they're starting to crown." Yelled the nurse. You push one more time, this time with more force. The twins are out. "Congratulations, they're both girls." Said the doctor. You smile, you have beautiful twin babies, and your fiancé will be a dad. You're going to have a family.

A year goes by and you celebrate the twins' first birthday. They tear open the wrapping paper with their tiny hands. Luna and Star, although they are twins, you can tell them apart. Luna has a slightly lighter shad of brown hair, than Star does. Luna holds up a stuffed pony. She giggles. "Do you have the camera?" You ask Nolan. He nods. "Yep, they're super adorable." Star holds up a stuffed turtle, she swings it up and down in her hand. "Awe." Nolan says. You sit in front of Luna, "Okay Luna, can you say Mama? Say mama. Ma-ma." Luna giggles. "M-M.." Luna bubbles. You smile. "There you go pumpkin. Mama." Luna looked at you. "M-Ma...mama." You smile. Luna just said her first word. "Try it with star, but make her say Dada." Said Nolan. You laugh. "Fine." You turn to Star, she has the stuffed turtle in her hands. "Say dada, dada." Star looks at you, then at Nolan. "Dada." She giggles. She learned quicker than Luna did. You turn to Nolan surprised, "She got that fast." Nolan laughs. You clean up the wrapping paper and gives the twins a small piece of cake. They enjoy it.

It's the year 3998, you're getting married to Nolan and you couldn't be any happier. Your mother is helping you get in your dress. You already dressed the twins in matching flower girl outfits. "Are you nervous?" Your mother asks. You shake your head. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Nolan loves me and I love him." Your mother smiles. "That's good." After you're done, your mother leaves to sit in a booth. You already know Nolan is standing at the podium. Luna and Star are walking down the isle throwing flower petals. Your father walks you down the isle. You smile at him and he smiles back. Nolan's eyes meet yours. He's in a complete awe. You walk down the isle wearing a bright, white dress. You are about to get married to the love of your life. You stand with Nolan and the priest. "Do you, take Nolan to be your lawful wedded husband through sickness and through health, through love and through hate, as long as you both shall live?" Asks the priest. You nod. The priest repeats the same thing to Nolan. "I do." He says. "You may kiss the bride." Replies the priest. You and Nolan kiss. You're married and you're so happy. You finally have a family. The twins are giggling and your crying in joy. Your parents congratulate you as they give you hugs. You exit the chapel. 

"I'm so happy to call you mine." Says Nolan. You nod. You're happy to call him yours too. You turn around and see the twins playing with their stuffed animals together. "Mama, I wuv woo." Says Luna. A tear falls down my face as You look at your young daughter. They're so precious. Nolan starts to tell a story about when his parents got married. You begin to fall asleep.

You wake up. You're still in your dress. Nolan smiles at you. "You need to get into your pajamas, it's getting late." Nolan explains. You get dressed for bed. You lay down. "Do you really love me?" You ask. Nolan to turns to you in dismay. "Of course I love you, why would I marry you if I didn't love you?" Nolan replies. You smile. "I don't know." You both laugh. The twins are asleep. Tiny snores are heard. You and Nolan fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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