| Chapter 2 | "I love you Brea." |

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February 2, 1984

( Sav's POV )

It's our last day in Australia. We play Melbourne today. That means one more time to play before the Pyromania tour ends, and I get to see her....

I look at my watch. 7:30 p.m. Which means the show will start in 30 minutes. From what I've heard, this show will be televised on MTV so at least Brea will get to see it. I wonder if she misses me... or how many guys have hit on her since I've been gone. The thought of this fills me with rage and anger. So it's probably best to just block it out right now, and focus on the music.

I walk down a long hallway and then open the big black door that says "Backstage" on it. I immediately notice Phil and Steve enjoying a conversation, and laughing at some inside joke. Meanwhile Rick is practically asleep, and Joe? Well Joe is looking at me, or rather staring at me.

I sit down and take out my bass and play for a bit. I get bored so I open my bass case back up and take out one of the many pictures of Brea I have in it.

She looks so gorgeous. Like an earthbound angel. Her little chubby face, button nose, and jaw dropping smile are enough to make me blush. Her auburn hair shines so bright, and I can't wait until I can run my hands through it's soft strands once again.

I must have been staring for quite a while, because Joe comes over and shakes me out of my daydream.

"Sav." He says, sounding rather annoyed. "We're suppose to go on stage now. C'mon."

"Ok." I mumble and we all head to the stage to get the show started.

( Brea's POV )

I awake, in the dark only to roll over and panic. It's almost 8:00 in Australia! Which means the shows about to start! I must have fallen asleep. I'm gonna cry if I miss seeing his cute little face and curly hair.

I quickly turn on the tv and go to MTV. It's starting.... I can hear Joe's raspy voice come through the mic.

"Let's burn this place to the ground!"

The curtain falls, and they all appear. Phil is killing the guitar solos and shredding like a freak. Steve is putting all of his heart into every note and being of the songs. Rick is drumming like crazy, like the Thunder God he is and Sav?

He's playing the bass and smiling with that amazing smile. When the camera pans over to him he points at it and mouths: "I love you Brea." And I melt.

( Sav's POV )

The energy that the crowd brings is electrifying. I feel it run through me, and it makes me feel like I have a purpose in this world. Suddenly the camera man is in my face. I know Brea's watching, so I mouth the words: "I love you Brea." into the camera followed by a smile. I really hope she saw it.

( Brea's POV )

The show ends so I decide to hop in the shower and rinse off. I get out and put on one of his T-shirts. This one reads: "I'm so fucking disco." And I love it.

I go brush my teeth and finish getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is the last day of the tour. The last day... and then he'll be home. I curl up tight in the silk sheets and think about my love as I fall asleep.

( Sav's POV )

The show ends with a huge applause as we head off into the dressing room. We all get beers and propose a toast to a successful tour. Tomorrow will be the day... the day I come home.

I'm standing around socializing with our roadies when all of a sudden a tall man with long blond hair approaches me. He looks like what the definition of Rockstar would be, if you looked it up in the dictionary. Strong cheekbones, tiny waist, piercing blue eyes, and muscular build. I feel small compared to him, and I feel a little intimidated, and I hate to admit it, as he walks over to me.

He walks with a certain swagger, and when he speaks his voice is deep and raspy, kind of like Joe's.

"Are you Rick Savage?" He asks, in a friendly but commanding tone.

"Yes." I say, with a weak smile.

"Nice to meet you my names Vinny. I'm the bassist for the band Slip N' Slide. Have you ever heard of us?"

"Yes. I believe so.... you sing the song Creature of the Night right?"

"Yes!" He says, sounding more excited now. "It's an honor to have you recognize that! As a fellow bassist, I just wanted to say that you're technique is amazing! Your guy's show was really good tonight!!"

"Thank you!" I say, sheepishly.

"No problem Rick. So I was wondering, would you be interested in coming to a party tonight with my band mates and I? I mean if not that's ok but you can invite your friends as well. We're gonna have lots of hot chicks there too, and of course alcohol."

"Hmmm." I say. "Yeah I don't know, I don't think they'd want to go but maybe. As for the girls I have a girlfriend so I don't think that would be a very good idea."

I kind of want to go to this party, but then again I feel like I should get some rest so that when I get home I'll be well rested for Brea. But then again I really want to go. I walk over and ask the band and they say they're already going to another party. I walk back over to Vinny to tell him that I'm not interested, but I quickly change my mind.

"You know what?" I find myself saying. "I'll come. Count me in, but I really can't stay very long."

"Good." He says, with a smile. " I knew you would come around! I think this is the beginning of a great friendship."

"Yeah maybe." I say, with a weak smile again.

Dammit what is wrong with me. I used to be so fun and now I'm just acting weird. I deserve to have some fun right?

"Ok here's the address and my number, see you later tonight." Vinny says.

"See you tonight."

I can't help but feel a little on edge about this Vinny character, but I'm excited to see what the night brings.

Love and Affection | A Rick Savage Fanfiction | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now