Chapter Five

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At some point, Patrick had managed to fall asleep. He was sprawled out, half naked on the bed with the television still on, and he hadn't even realized that he'd gone to sleep when he awoke by a loud knock on the door of his hotel room.

Patrick rubbed his eyes and moaned in frustration. Then he dragged himself off the bed, slipped his t-shirt on, and opened the door.

He'd expected his visitor to be the maid service, but before him stood two women. One looked somewhat past middle-aged, and the other was fairly short, but her identity was hidden within a large hat, long dress and dark sunglasses.

Patrick blinked sleepily. “Yes?”

“Is that how you greet people?” The older woman asked.


The one in the sunglasses said, “Patrick, you're a mess.”

“Um... do I know you?” Patrick questioned.

“It's me, Patrick,” she leaned closer to him, and briefly slid her sunglasses from her eyes, revealing a familiar pair of big, amber eyes.

“Minnie...?” Patrick almost sounded breathless.

“Can we come in? I can't stand this dreadful hat and dress much longer,” Minnie whispered.

Patrick stepped aside for Minnie and the other woman to enter his room, and his closed the door behind them.

Once they were closed inside, Minnie removed the hat and sunglasses and stripped herself of the long dress, then wearing only the shorts and tank-top she'd had on underneath.

Patrick stared at her, blinking in disbelief.

“By the way, this is my dear friend, Maureen,” Minnie introduced. “Maureen, this is Patrick.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Maureen reached her hand out and she and Patrick shook hands.

“Patrick, have you put on a little weight?” Minnie asked.

Patrick stammered, “no. Maybe. I don't know.”

Minnie giggled and wrapped her arms around Patrick's neck. Patrick placed his hands on Minnie's waist, and gaped at what was happening.

“I can tell you're a little excited,” Minnie said, resting her hand on Patrick's chest where she could feel his heart beating rapidly.

“Well yeah,” Patrick said, “I didn't think you would actually come to see me.”

“Of course I would, Pat. Why wouldn't I?”

Patrick frowned and looked down. “Well... uh...”

Minnie pursed her lips. “Oh no. That can't be good.”

“Well, no. I mean... uh...” Patrick gazed over Minnie's shoulder at Maureen, who was experiencing the reunion and awkwardness.

Minnie turned to her friend and asked, “Can we have a moment, Maureen?”

“Sure thing.” Maureen quietly excused herself from the hotel room.

“Patrick, you're scaring me,” Minnie said. “What's going on?”

“Well, that's what I'd like to know, Minnie. How come you don't call me or write me so much anymore?”

“Pat, I--”

“Have you been seeing other people behind my back? Because if you were I know you wouldn't tell me but I want to know because if you're tired of being in a long-distance relationship, maybe I should just set you free.” Patrick gulping, showing that his outburst of feelings was painful for him.

Minnie took a few steps backward and stared at Patrick with horror in her eyes. “Patrick... no. Just no. How could you think that? Just... I would never... I'm sorry,” Minnie's eyes filled with tears.

“Please don't cry.”

“No,” Minnie choked. She sat down on Patrick's hotel bed. “I feel so bad. I never thought of what a problem this might be.”


“My life. And what it does to you and me. Us.”

Patrick threw his head back and sighed. Then he approached Minnie, sat down beside her on the bed and started to wipe the tears off her cheeks. “Look at us,” he said gently. “We're acting like we're in a soap opera.”

Minnie gave a half-laugh and said, “I know. Let's just talk this out, okay?”

“Okay. But not yet.”


“Because... just come here,” Patrick wrapped his arms around Minnie and pulled her closer to him. Minnie laid her head on Patrick's shoulder, with one hand on his back and the other resting on his thigh.

 For several minutes, the two just sat there embracing each other in silence.

THE TROUBLE WITH FAME: A Story of Love Being TrueWhere stories live. Discover now