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Before we start, I would like to say that I was tagged to do this and..... DISCLAIMER! DISCLAIMER!  There may or may not be a few inappropriate questions in this, but that is NOT my fault THX!

1. What are you wearing?

school uniform

2. Have you ever been in love?


3. Have you been in a terrible breakup?


4. How tall are you?

 I'm, like, 4'8 or 4'10

5. How much do you weigh?

None of your business.

6. Do you have tattoos?

Umm, no

7. Do you have piercings?

I HAD piercings.

8. Who is your OTP?

Raivita and Maia

9. What is your favorite show?


10. Who is your favorite band?

Maroon 5 or 21 Pilots

11. What is something you miss?

I miss my dog in Maui. She died recently.

12. What is your favorite song?

Issues, Stay, and How Far I'll Go

13. How old are you?

Again I say, none of your business

14. What qualities do you look for in a partner?

Athletic, kind, caring, understanding, reasonable, and helpful.

15. What is your zodiac sign?


16. What is your favorite quote?

"You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it"

                                                                                               - I don't know who

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