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" We can both be basic
white girls together ."

Finn awoke around 9am on Saturday morning . He slowly pulled himself up and rubbed his eyes with the ball of his hand . The boy slammed back down to the surface of the bed again , too tired to arise yet .
He remembered the situations which occurred the night before . Firstly recalling Noah's sister getting it on with Wyatt Oleff , Caleb kissing Sadie and himself not being pleased and taking a fit about it - and oh , of course kissing Millie Bobby Brown .

Finn smiled to himself , how was it possible that this time 24 hours ago he hated her guts and now he felt the opposite ?

Finn once again pulled himself up and let his hand wonder for his phone on the night stand .
He scrolled through his notifications , one of which a snapchat from Millie brown .  He swiped the lock , typed in his password , then clicked on the Snapchat icon .
It was a 'slide across ' text . Finn swiped his finger along the blue icon and there he read Millie's message .

" Hey :) any chance you'd want to meet up today ? Like I don't know , go to the park or something . "

Finn smiled to himself like the goon he was and began to type a response to her invitation .

" Yeah I guess , what time? "
Millie opened the message instantly , almost as if she had been waiting for it .

" maybe like 3pm? Meet at the park . "

" Sounds good , see you then ." Finn responded , then closing his phone and placing it above his heart . He sighed with another smile .


It was a cold September day , Finn strolled along the path which led to the park . He was looking forward to seeing Millie , hopefully no one was around . If any of his friends or Millie's friends caught them , they'd both be dead .

Ah , there she was , the lovely short haired-brunette english girl . She sat on the bench , the wind gracefully flowing through her hair .
The world seemed to have gotten the tiniest bit brighter now that he had spotted her .

She was wearing a black leather jacket and some ripped jeans . She looked cute . She always did .

" Hello there . " She remarked in her fancy voice greeting Finn with her angelic smile .

The two walked side by side through the paths of the park .

" It's really cold today. I'm shivering ." Millie said while chattering her teeth . "

" Hey you can have my hoodie if you want , here ," Finn said while eagerly taking off his hoodie . Millie took off her leather jacket and let Finn help her but the hoodie underneath , then re applied the jacket ontop of it.

" What about you , you'll be cold now !!!

" No I'll be fine , I don't feel the cold . Don't worry about me ." He re assured her .

" Thankyou , Finn ." She pulled him into a tight side wards hug .

" Can we go to Starbucks ? I love that place . Plus I'm really craving a passion tea lemonade right now . " Millie queried .

" Yeah sure , what ever you want I'm up for . " Finn said with a smile .

The pair made their way towards the local Starbucks , keeping their eyes wide open for people who may spot them .

Millie peered her head through the door .
" All clear ... " She hinted as she proceeded to walk into the store .

" What can I get for you today ?" The worker asked .

" I'll have the passion tea lemonade  . "
" Finn do you want anything ? "

" Oh - uh , I'll have a .... Caramel coffee frappuccino please . No cream . " He mumbled .

" Sorry I didn't catch that ." The girl from behind the counter stated .

" He'll have a caramel coffee frappucino with no cream . " Millie gave a kind smile .

" Are you two paying separately ?"

Finn opened his mouth to let out the words " No I'll pay ." But he was interrupted by Millie who had beat him to it .

The two collected their drinks and sat at the back of the room , away from anyone who could possibly spy them out .

" You didn't have to pay for mine . " He told her .
" No no don't be silly it's totally okay  . You gave me your hoodie and now I'm repaying you . Don't argue with me .  " She insisted .
Finn wanted to debate with her but he chose to leave it and instead give a smile and a simple thankyou . He was grateful for her actions .

" You're a basic white girl , you and your drink" Millie said with a giggle .

" Hey , you're the one who wanted to come here ." He spat out with embarrassment .

" Yeah yeah I guess . We can both be basic white girls together . "  Millie laughed as Finn rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way , the two had already gotten the capability to joke around with each other in a sarcastic yet cute way they wouldn't with other people .

" So ... At the party after we went our seperate ways ," Millie continued , " I asked Sadie about her seven minutes . She seemed to be so humiliated about kissing Caleb she said nothing happened . Claimed she didn't even wanna associate with a looser like him . " Millie gossiped , pulling herself away from her drink .

" What ? Seriously ? " He said in a shocked tone , " What a bitch . Sorry she's your friend and all but that's really rude . Caleb seemed really happy about it . "

" I know I know . You don't have to tell me twice , I know she's a bitch but I have to stick with her . She's all I have really , known her all my life . " She said tiredly as she sighed .

" Can you not just get new friends ? "

" It's not that easy , Finn . If I stopped talking to her everyone else would hate me . "

" You have me . " Finn remarked quietly .

" Now Finn you know I can't do that , for both you and I's reasons . "

" Well you have me , secretly ."

" Yeah ,  I do . " Millie said while dazing into Finn's eyes.
She then rested her hand on his , and was greeted by Finn's small yet sweet smile .

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