Otaku Lovers

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Chapter 1; The Meet

My name is Mushi Amaterasu. Well, my screen name. I'm a cosplayer. I stay up late on the internet, eat pokys on special days, fan-girl over Yaoi and Yuri, play RPG games, and meet strangers on the internet. Yes I love Yuri. It's just as great as Yaoi. I'm just your normal Otaku.

The sun hit my eyes as I looked at my iPod and saw what was today. 

"The Anime Expo!" I cheered jumping out of bed. I plugged in my iPod to the speakers and got some music to play while I get ready. I brushed my purple long hair and then fixed my bright green bangs so it's covering my right eye. Yup, my real hair is black/brown but I dye it to this color so it's like my OC. I put on my purple and green contacts on and re-do my bangs. I put on my OC outfit, black tights and over that short grey pants. The turtle-neck shirt is sleeve-less and red with a big sliver line in the middle. I put on my black and sky blue finger-less gloves that was long enough to go almost pass my elbow. 

I smiled at myself, I look great! I grabbed my fox ears and tail and put them on. I grabbed my gir bag and my camera strap over my neck, I called my group, Team Random, and we headed out. I'm really excited! This time I'm going to take pictures and meet lots of new people! And take pictures and show them off! We got there, ready and already hype up on sugar snacks. We got our badge and walked inside, in awe. 

This place sure is huge… I looked around and everywhere I go, I see cosplayers! Three days of this? I've died and gone to Otaku heaven! My friends and I started to walk around, smiles on our faces. We couldn't be ever happier. I mean, who wouldn't! Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Then you caught my eye… You was dressed up as sexy Konon and your outfit… Made me want to stare at you more. I blushed lightly as I was fighting the urge if I should talk to you or just become a weird stalker chick. I swallowed my heart and walked towards you. 

You smiled at me as I said hi. You said it back and my heart skipped a beat. I held up my camera and asked to take a few pictures of you. You said yes and that's how we became friends.

"Thanks!" I said, looking at the pictures. We looked through it, and we just took random pictures of other people. We walked around and started to talk.

"My name is Miki, forgot to mention that."

"Shit! I'm Mushi." We shook hands, smiling. "Seems like our friends left us. Want to look around?"

"Heh, sure." We did. The day speed by and it was about to be sunset. I sighed, looking at the people. They're leaving. I looked at Miki who was smiling at the new photo she took with someone cosplaying as Pein. 

"Let's get some Pockys." I said, as she nodded smiling. I bought us two boxes. "Wanna play the Pocky game?"

"You really want to play?" she said, blushing lightly. I giggled, opening my box. 

"Yeah, I never played it." I pulled out a stick. "Too chicken to play?" She blushed, pouting shaking her head. "Alright, first one to move away owes the other one a date."

"Wha-what?!" I laughed, placing one end in my mouth. Miki did the same to the other end. We slowly bite our side and we slowly became closer and closer. My face grew hot, only inches away from her lips. She looked in my eyes and she was blushing also. I smirked, seeing other people taking pictures or just staring at us. 

"They're playing that game?"


"I wonder if she's a Naruto OC…"

"Hot…" We heard from everyone. I looked back and one more bite and ou- YES! We're kissing. We just stared at one another, face bright. I slowly moved my lips, my hands on her lap. She flinched but didn't move from her place.


"Whoa…" I kept on kissing Miki, as she slowly returned the kiss. I felt her hands on my hip as we just kept our lips touching. That's how we became a couple.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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