Untitled Part 1

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Jackie pov

"So I just say the word and I turn into a superhero?" I asked Plagg confused about all the facts he just told me.

"Yep. But if you're in trouble or need to use your power just say cataclysm." He answered.

"And 5 minutes after that I change back. Got it. It's just a lot to take in all at once." I sighed. "OK ready. Plagg transform!" My ring turned from silver to black. Before I knew it my body was covered in a black leather suit from head to toe. I looked in the mirror. I wore a black skirt and a small cloak that ran diagonally from my right to left shoulder and only got to my left elbow. Both the skirt and cloak appeared to be see through only if you were super close to it. A hood covered my ginger bangs but the hair itself flowed through the hood. On the hood were cat ears and a black mask covered my face from the nose up. A strip of leather ran off of where my spine would end and acted as some sort of tail. The outside of my eye where it's usually white was now the same lime green of my normal eyes.

"This is so weird. Where'd my clothes go? Won't I be hot in this?" I had too many questions. My thoughts were interrupted by a woman's scream on the street. The commotion was coming from the other side of town. I remember Plagg had said I had a steel rod for transportation. He didn't mention that it also became a scythe. I grabbed the rod and jumped off the balcony. This has to be a dream so if I fall I'll have nothing to worry about and I'll just wake up. I started rambling to myself to keep my focus. Not to mention my sanity. The staff was kinda like Spider-Man's webs. Only it shrunk and grew longer when I needed it to and the blade acted as a grappling hook of sorts. Then I saw what was causing all of the ruckus. A man made of only metal shooting liquefied metals at citizens turning them into statues. This brings a whole new meaning to Iron Man.

"Yo Iron Giant! Thought you played nice!" I yelled attacking him head on. I barely dodged the metals. I looked around.

"Where's that partner I'm supposed to have?" I said. Speak of the devil. Right then I saw a man covered in red with black polka-dots and earnings on. He used a yo yo. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.

"OK what's going on?" He asked.

"Ever watch Avatar the Last Air Bender? He's some extreme metal bender." I tried to explain.

"OK we've got got to go past is defense with some heavy offense, grab the ball and slam it into the ground. Got it?"

"I have know idea what you were just trying to tell me. But I'll give it a shot." I ran towards the villain and grabbing a barely visible silver bracelet. The villain moved slowly so it was fairly easy. While yanking it off the jewelry broke in half and a black butterfly flew out. I looked at my partner.

"Well what are you waiting for catch it!" I yelled angry.

"I'm trying!" He repeatedly swiped his finger up trying to open his yo yo. Agitated I took an empty cup from a hot dog vendor and caught the akuma. I tried to remember what caused a butterfly to turn black. That's it! Plagg said because of anger, sadness or some sort of grudge the people become akumatized. I thought happy thoughts trying to keep it in the cup while lucky boy finally opened the yo yo. The butterfly seemed to get away though.

"Well that was easy." He said.

"Are you kidding me?!" I paused. Need to calm down. "We had beginner's luck and besides, jobs not done yet. We need to follow that bug." I said restraining myself. When the two of us caught up the butterfly I almost let it all out in excitement that the trip was finally over. We both had to use our special powers and I had four minutes left.

"Hey. Good job. I'm sorry for getting in a fuss over everything, I guess I was super nervous. What's your name by the way? Not your real name but stage name." I said desperately trying to calm down.

"Its okay. We're both new at this. Um, Stink Bug. What do I call you?" He asked.

"Black Cat. " When I got home I turned on the news just for the heck of it. I guess curiosity got the best of me.

"Looks like Manhattan's got some new superheroes. Black Cat and Stink Bug. The strange phenomenon today was resolved by these two and the citizens of Kansas thank them." The news anchor reported. There was a knock at my door. I opened it to see Dominic.

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