Crashing (Shoey One-Shot)

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It had all seemed perfect. The day before it all happened was one of the best. It was sunny, bright and relaxing. I'd never felt so happy before.

I enjoyed my last day in the Bahama's immensely, but I was ready to come home. As I lugged my suitcase into the waiting area, I sighed. I was going to miss this place. It had been the best time of my life. I plopped down in a chair next to another man, whose face was buried in a magazine. I reached into the air, yawning and stretching, for I had been up at 4 A.M. As I brought my arms down, I accidentally hit the man on the head. He set down the magazine, looking over at me.

I was hit with his stunning green eyes, and the shaggy brown hair that fell over them. I opened my mouth to apologize, but no sound came out.

"It's okay," The man said, holding out his hand to shake mine. He was probably two or three years older than I was, but that didn't faze me at all. I shakily extended my arm, and he grasped my hand tightly. I could feel the electricity flowing between us as we shook. "I'm Shane," He said, smiling down at me. My heart thumped as I responded.

"I'm... Joey," I told him, and I could feel my cheeks blush crimson.

"Nice to meet you, Joey," He winked slightly at me as he enunciated my name. He stood up and walked to the front counter. I watched him walk away, and he swished his hips lightly as he walked. It took me a moment to begin breathing again.

 An hour or so, I boarded the plane, one ear-bud in my ear. I sat down at a window seat, looking out at the paradise landscape around me. I was going to miss this place. I felt someone nudge my arm, and I turned to look at the person sitting beside me.

As our eyes met for the second time today, my heart stopped.

"Hey Joey." Shane flashed another dazzling smile at me. "Guess we're sitting next to each other." He bit his lips slightly as he talked, never once moving his eyes from mine. I shivered slightly, but not because I was cold. The sexual tension was unbearable.

"Guess so.." I managed to stutter. He turned away then, putting on a pair of grey headphones. My heart was still racing from the exchange.

 The beginning of the flight was smooth and comfortable. I could tell Shane was terrified by the way he gripped the armrest, his knuckles turning white. I tapped his shoulder lightly, and he opened his eyes, looking over at me.

"Yeah?" He said, pulling off the pair of headphones.

"You okay?" I nodded my head down at his hands, which were clenched tightly. He nodded.

"Yeah, I just get a little freaked out by planes," He told me.

"You've got nothing to be afraid of," I said, smiling at him.

I was so wrong.

The first couple hours were fine. Shane and I talked non-stop. I learned that he had just finished filming and directing a movie, and I told him about my job as as youtuber, making videos for people all around the world.

About three hours into the flight, you could feel the plane rocking and bouncing. Shane's eyes widened as a crackling voice came over the loudspeakers.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. This is your captain speaking. Please, don't worry, there is nothing to worry about, just a little turbulence. Please remain calm, and enjoy the rest of your flight with Boeing Airlines." As the captains voice went silent, the noise level on the plane rose, as people began to wonder about what was going on.

I could feel the three sodas I had drank earlier pressing at my bladder, so I unbuckled my seat-belt and stood up, walking out into the aisle.




And that's when it happened.

There was the sound of an explosion, and I could feel myself flying backwards. The back of my head banged against something metal, and I could taste the blood in my mouth. Everything was completely black, but I was still awake. I could hear the screams surrounding me, but they were muted compared to the thumping of my own heart.

I struggled to open my eyes. They were heavy, and it hurt to move them. I could hear someone calling my name above me, and I could feel tugging on the edge of my shirt. But I was slowly fading out, until everything became completely silent.

The first thing I noticed when I came to was the smell of smoke. It filled my nostrils and lungs as I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. Something wet and sticky covered my face, dripping down onto my once white t-shirt.

As I looked around me, I realized what had happened. 

The plane was in pieces around the beach, and so were the people. There was only a few people moving, and you could hear the screams and cries of those who were. You could hear children calling for their parents, and vice versa. There was the sounds of sobs, and screams of agony. 

My head spun as it sunk in. I watched people run around frantically, calling for help. I felt sweaty, salty tears run down my face. I couldn't believe what had just happened. My head ached as I rested it in my hands, letting the tears come.

"This has to be a dream," I whispered to myself, my voice low and shaky.

"I wish it was," Someone behind me responded, and I turned to see Shane, his legs bent at a wrong angle. He had blood covering his shirt, and a black eye. I was so relieved to see that he was alive that I threw my arms around him, burying my face in his neck.

"Ow," He winced, and another tear slipped down his cheek. He was in major pain, but there was no one around to help us.

I immediately removed my arms from his waist, apologizing. 

"God, I'm so sorry," I said, sitting back slightly. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I did so.

"It's alright," He muttered, wincing again. 

"We need to get away from this place," I said to him, surveying the surroundings again. Almost nobody was moving now, and the only sound I could hear was the crackling of the fires. The only safe spot seemed to be the forest, which was about 150 meters away.

"I know, but you might as well just leave me here. I can't walk, so I'd just slow you down," He said to me, his face crestfallen.

"There's no way that I'm going to leave you." I leaned down and picked him up gently. He yelled as I touched his leg, and more tears fell onto his stained shirt. I began running, ignoring the pain in my shoulder.

I ran past the bodies, turning away. I couldn't look at them. As we ran into the forest clearing, I heard another explosion behind us, and Shane gasped, shielding his eyes. I sat him down softly on grass, and he groaned in pain. I sat beside him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Are we ever going to get out of this?" He wondered aloud, looking down at his lap. His voice cracked as he talked.

"I'm sure that we will. And I'm going to be beside you no matter what," I responded. My heart swelled as I talked, and I knew that I meant it. There was just something about Shane that made him irresistible.

What happened next stunned me. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. My heart thumped faster.

"What was that?" I asked, biting my lip.

"I'm going to stay beside you." 

So, even with the darkness that surrounded us, we managed to find a little light. Each other.

Hope you enjoyed this one-shot, I've never written anything like it before. Please vote, share and comment if you did! Thank you for reading, I love you! xx

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