Chapter 3

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turning over in an attempt to block out the sun pouring into my room, i looked at my clock that read 10:23.
Way to early! i was cursing my lazy decision to not close my curtains last night. looking around my room thinking it was to early to be up, i remembered last nights events. A giant smile breaking out on my face.
Grabbing my phone to call Audrey, I had just got a text. And it was from a blue eyed boy!

"hey Brielle, how did you sleep?" awe how sweet is he?

"it was sweet but short. How about you?" i decided to get up. I was really hungry now. Walking down my stairs, my phone lit up.

"im glad you slept well. Same here." I almost started a happy dance on the stairs.

"what are you doing today?" it took a little bit longer for him to reply then before.

"well im with sam, but i think were just hanging out. You?" oh what was I doing today?

"im not really sure. I kinda just woke up :)"

"oh haha Sam's little sister woke us up early."

"thats got to really suck! I didnt know sam had a little sister."

"oh yeah he does. I gtg pancakes ttyl"

"ok byee" just then my toaster popped and my pop tart came flying out making me jump 2 feet in the air.
After calming down a bit, i pick it up and started eating it.

"ring" "ring" "ring" again i jumped. I grabbed my phone.

"hello?" i said out of breath.

"Brielle? Whats wrong?" Audrey asked.

"oh nothing, the phone just startled me. Thats all."

"oh" she starts laughing, and i couldnt help but join in. After tears are falling, we were finally able to stop laughing.

"so when can i come over?" Audrey asks.

"as soon as your dressed!"

"but i am dressed?"

"thats the point silly! Get over here."

"be right there. Bye"



Audrey had just left, it was just after 2. i had just sat down with a book and cup of tea, when i heard the door bell ring. I wasnt expecting anyone. Walking to the door the bell rang again, so i picked up the pase. As i opened the door i look up into blue eyes and stopped dead.

"Ah? Hey Brielle.. Everything ok?"

After mentally slapping myself for freezing like that i managed to reply.
"yeah im fine. What are you doing here?"

"well sam left for home and i thought maybe we could hang out?" was he really at my door step wanting to hang out? Wait my door step?

"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY HOUSE IS?" i yelled at him.
He just chuckled.

"whats so funny?"

"its just i only live a couple blocks away."

"oh" was all i could manage well trying my hardest not to blush.

"you going to let me in? Or do i have to stand out here all day?"

"oh im sorry come in" i said while opening the door wider for him.

"thank you very much." i only just noticed what he was or rather not wearing. He had on a pair of dark ripped jeans and a gray tee, that showed off his abs perfectly.

"done checking me out?" he asked a smile playing on his lips.

"i was not!" i protested looking down.

"its cool. Im used to it. Nice dress by the way." i looked at my strapless floral dress that came just above my knees.

"um thanks" i all but whisper.


Seth pov

Im standing in Brielles house being checked out by brielle. I watch as her eye look over me and stop at my abs and stare for a bit. So i allow myself to look over her. Her light blond hair is loosely curled and up in a loose bun. She has on a strapless dress that hugs her body in all the right places, making her look really curvy. I let my eyes travel down to the bottom of her dress. It stops about mid thigh. And i cant but help wonder what she looked with out the dress on. What? Im a guy thats what we think about! I let my eyes travel slowly back up to her face. Her lips are a soft kissable red. Her cheeks still a light pink from me making her blush earlier. And her eyes the deepest blue id every seen. Something about them just made you want to stare at them for hours. But I stopped myself.

"done checking me out?" again i made her blush.

"i was not" she replied bushing even more.

"its cool. Im used to it. Nice dress by the way." her face was now a deep red. I found it so cute.

"um thanks" was all she could say.

"soo do u want to watch a movie?" i didnt really know what we were going to do i just knew i had to see her.

"ok but no horror movies!" she said almost staring me down.

"kill joy!" i mumbled under my breath but she still heard.

"a what?" she asked. "i just dont see the joy in stopping yourself from sleeping for a week. She said glaring at me. Now it was my turn to just stare.

"i get scared really easily. Ok? The toaster popping this morning made me jump 2 feet." i couldn't help imaging her jumping 2 feet because the toaster popped. I burst out laughing. But she look a little sad so i stop myself.

"im sorry. No horror promise!" note to self no horror movies for Brielle, no matter how much i wanted her to hug me tightly in fear. It would just be cruel.

"thank you" she looked so relieved.

"wheres your movies?" i asked

"In the living room left of the tv. Ill make some popcorn." she said pointing to the living room. I walked in to her living room. It was small but really sweet. A love seat on one side. A big couch on the other. A coffee table in the center and everything facing a big flat screen tv with cabinets on either side.  I walked up to the left side a opened it up. There was 3 shelves of movies to chose from. I stared from the top and pulled out a few i thought we both might like.
When i finally decided Brielle was sitting on the couch with a big bowl of carmel popcorn.

"yum did you make that yourself?" my month was watering just looking at it.

"yes i did. I love cooking." she said a little uneasy sounding.

"give me some!" I almost yelled

"you look like your about to eat me!"

"only if i dont get some!" with this she jumped up on the couch and held the bowl above her head.

"come and get it." I ran and tackled her. Screaming we both fell popcorn flying everywhere. I started grabbing every piece i could a stuffing it in my mouth.

"what are you doing?" she asked after calming down a bit.

"5 second rule." she burst out laughing. Soon i looked like a chipmunk, making her laugh even harder.

"what?" i said putting my hands up like i didnt know what was going on.

"you.. You.. Look... Like.. A.." she couldnt even finish her sentence she was laughing so hard. That made me start to laugh. Before we knew it we were both bent over laughing for reasons forgotten.

Brielle pov

I had spent the rest if the day with Seth. It was about 7.

"i think i better get going." Seth said after we finished another movie.

"alright." i said getting up from the couch. We walked to the door.

"bye Brielle i had a great time today."

"yeah i did too" i was so glad he came by. "bye see you tomorrow at school." he kinda tensed at this but i thought is was just the thought of school.

"um yeah.." i looked like he would have said something else but my phone started ringing.

"bye!" i said one last time, running for the phone.

"bye" he yelled after me. I heard the door close just as i got to the phone.

I was getting ready for bed and doing some last minute homework.  Tomorrow was monday and i still had a bunch of homework that was due tomorrow. But no matter how hard i tried to focus my brain kept wandering to Seth and our day spent together.

Finally at around 11 i got my homework done and climbed into bed, just to get a good night text from Seth.

"sweet dreams ttyl" i just smiled.

"good night Seth"

Then i let my dreams take me away.

hope you like it!! thanks for reading!! cote (comment and vote) smikn

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