Stubborn Pride

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Sehun had everything he needed, a comfortable home, and parents who took good care of him. The only thing was, they weren't really his parents.

They lived in a small house near the sea far away from civilization, a refuge, a place his "parents" had taken him to keep him safe.

This couple had been looking for Sehun. They knew all about his unnatural power over wind, and where Sehun had apparently come from: Exoplanet. The existence of himself and the other gifted people of this planet had been kept a secret, guarded through generations of this couple's family as they waited for the nine inhabitants of Exoplanet to arrive on Earth.

Sehun was too young to comprehend all this however, they simply explained to Sehun that he was living at this house near the sea to keep him safe. Normal people might get frightened by his powers.

Sehun loved them like parents regardless of their reasons for taking care of him, it was the closest thing he had to a real family. He was delighted to spend his days with them, playing in the ocean and enjoying his daily lessons. At night they would read him stories and tuck him into bed, just like real parents. Everything was perfect in Sehun's little world.

But that perfection was ruined when his father returned one day from a long trip. As Sehun went running to greet him, he stopped in his tracks at an unwelcome sight. Standing beside his father was a young boy. Sehun's mother smiled and knelt down beside him, she stroked his hair gently before looking over at Sehun.

"You have a new friend."

Sehun's face must have looked rather upset, because his parents both started to convince him this was a good thing.

"Everything is fine Sehun, don't worry. This is Baekhyun, he's just like you. He has the power over light."

After explaining to Sehun both his parents turned to the young boy.

"Baekhyun, this is Sehun. He has the power over wind. I know you two are going to get along wonderfully."

Sehun couldn't disagree more, he sneered at the young boy behind his parents back and then proceeded to run upstairs in a fit before slamming his door.

His parents tried their best to make them get along, but Sehun didn't want anything to do with Baekhyun. Especially now that Baekhyun was hogging most of his parents time. Sehun would sit in his room and pout as they gave Baekhyun the extra attention he needed to adjust to his new home.

Sehun hardly spoke to Baekhyun, unless it was some kind of negative comment. He was never too harsh, after all he was a good child at heart. The jealousy of sharing his parents with Baekhyun had just consumed him. He didn't want anyone else to intrude in his perfect world.

"What can the power of light even do?" Sehun asked Baekhyun one day as they were forced to spend time with each other at the beach.

Baekhyun's lips turned into a pout, he was used to Sehun's negative attitude towards him by now, but it still upset him.

"I make balls of light."

"That's it?"

Baekhyun put his hands on his hips in defense.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool actually. I never get afraid of the dark. I can go potty all by myself at night."

Sehun threw a small pebble into the water.

"I guess so."

Sehun, despite his negative attitude, was actually beginning to like Baekhyun. Baekhyun was such a happy and warm person, it was hard to keep on pretending he didn't like him. He had spied on his parents while they spent time with Baekhyun. He had seen Baekhyun's infectious smile, it made Sehun smile in return without even realizing it. He had heard Baekhyun's adorable laughter, and at night, on the other side of the wall, Sehun could hear Baekhyun's soft quiet voice as he sang himself to sleep. Sehun looked forward to his singing every night, it was almost impossible for him to fall asleep without it now.

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