He Likes Me

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"I can't believe it!" Aleia, my friend and neighbor, says to me over the phone. "Chase Wilson kissed you!"

"I know! I am still shocked. There is just something about him that makes me feel so... special! I just can't explain it. I have never felt like this before!"

"Aw, Ally! That is so sweet! I want all the details at school tomorrow, but now I have to go to bed. Have sweet dreams about Chase!"

"Bye, Aleia, see you tomorrow." I reply, hanging up the phone.

It has been almost three hours since the kiss, and I am still in a state of euphoria. Kianna and I left early because she wasn't feeling well, and I wasn't going to let her walk home alone. But I could've stayed forever.

At school Kianna seemed very distant, and it was kind of worrying me. She'll be alright. It's probably just a headache or something.

As I was walking to my first class, my books were knocked out of my hands. I bent down to pick them up, and when I look up, I see Brenna Cosio. She belongs to Chase's group, but she can't be any more different than him. She is 5 foot 4 inches of mean, and her only goal in life other than to become a Victoria's Secret model, is to make me miserable.

"Oh my gosh! Did clumsy little Ally drop her books again?" She says, causing a few students behind her to chuckle.

"Just leave me alone, okay?" I say, looking up at her. We used to be best friends, ever since first grade, but then something happened. I am not sure what happened. She just left my friend group for the 'popular' girls. Now instead of looking at me as a friend, she looks at me as a dummy to practice verbal and somewhat physical abuse on.

"Okay, just let me help you with that." She replies, kicking my books away with her toe. They slide across the hallway until they hit someone's feet. Chase's feet. This is good. Chase will defend me. He picks up the books, and walks over to us.

"Just stop it, Brenna," he says, handing the books to me. I tuck them under my arm. "nobody likes a bully." I feel his hand touch mine. Our fingers intertwine, and my heart starts racing. Brenna huffs and turns away, angry because she didn't win this battle.

"I'm sorry about her, I don't know what he problem is. You know, I really liked last night, you know... the kiss." Chase says. My cheeks flush with red at his words. "We really should go on other dates. I like you. Like a lot. I mean it."

"I like you too." I reply, barely able to get the words out. That was a date?

He kisses my head, and turns to walk away. I give him a little wave and a smile. He gives me a wink back. My fingers lightly brush where he kissed my head. They slide down to brush my lips. This is all surreal. I never imagined anybody actually liking me.

I turn around to see Kianna glaring at me.

"Hey Kianna! Did you see that! This is so surreal..." I said before she cut me off

"You need to stop." She says, her voice hard and cold like ice.

"I don't understand," I say, "stop what?"

"Whatever that was! Chase liked me first Ally! I told him to kiss you to save our friendship! But now, I don't care anymore! Chase and I like each other, so just go away and don't come back!" She said, her voice firm, but quiet.

"No! Are you blind or did you see what that was? In case you didn't notice that was Chase liking me, so you should be the one to back off!" I reply, fighting the tears back.

"Don't make me angry Ally, or I will ruin you." She said, as she turns on her heels and walked away.


Hey guys! So, Kianna is DEFINITELY the villan now. Well, hope you like it!

XOXO- Ally

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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