Life starts over again

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I sat in my room just staring out the window, I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep, my grandma worried about me. Megan would come and sit with me, all I did was cry . They would force food into me, I just wanted to die. God hated me, I didn't know why but for some reason I must have done something wrong. Why else would all of these things be happening to me. I have lost everyone I cared about and loved.

Except Grandma and Luke, at least they were still here, I just want to lay down and die. My heart can't keep getting hurt like this, next time it won't survive another heart ache. I want to believe that Jake is innocent but he married her. Now I spend a life without my Jake.

As the days go by and the first snow fell, I started to venture out of my room. It had been a month since that fateful night, I just kept going. Megan smiled " I am so happy you came down today Lizzie."

I just stared" I am hungry, I feel like I could eat a horse." I went to the Kitchen and went to the food cupboard. I found sliced bread and cheese, I made a sandwich and went to sit in the dining room.

Grandma smiled" you want a glass of milk to go with that?"

I was to busy stuffing my face so I nodded. She came back with a glass of fresh milk," slow down there you don't want to choke."

I swallowed the huge mouth full, and drank the milk down. I was breathing in and then all of a sudden I felt nauseous. I got up and ran out the door to the privy, I tossed my cookies. Megan followed behind me with a towel. She waited just out the door" you must have ate to fast, come back in and we can get you some broth to sip."

I nodded" Thanks, I was just so hungry I couldn't help myself."

Megan wrapped my shawl around my shoulders" well we will get you fixed up, come on in and sit down and rest." We walked to the kitchen arm in arm, I could see the look on my grandma's face. It was the kind of look like "oh no" . I was flabbergasted what does she know that I don't? I don't feel so good hope I haven't got the flu.

Megan pulled a chair out for me to sit down in, I was kind of scared because of Grandma. Annie walked in to the dinningroom and felt Lizzie's head" well you don't have a fever, I think I know what is going on."

I looked worried" What is wrong with me?"

Annie nodded" I am not saying cause I hope and pray I am wrong, we will give it a few days before we call the doctor."

I didn't like to hear that cause if I was sick wouldn't I have a fever? I looked at Megan " do you know what she is talking about?"

She shook her head" no idea what she knows, but it is kind of frightening though."

I nodded in agreement" I am terrified of finding out what it is she knows." We both sat there as I sipped my broth, and think about what Grandma thinks is wrong with me. I sure hope that I wasn't dying cause I didn't want to now.

As days went by I was getting sick every morning, I would even get sick at night. It really depended on what I ate, I looked green so Megan says. Grandma would keep on shaking her head and glare at the distance. Something was wrong with me how can someone not die from being this sick.

I know that I survived Yellow fever, but this was not fun at all. I think I would take yellow fever again over this. One day Grandma called Megan downstairs" Megan could you please come down here please!" Megan jumped up " coming Annie, I hope I am not in trouble."

I smiled" she didn't call your full name so your good." We smiled to each other, Megan went downstairs to find Annie.

Annie was pacing the floor" how could this happen to my granddaughter?"

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