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A peasant girl caught the eye of Queen Narcissa as she strolled through the snowy streets of Paris. Her dark skin, tight ringlets and doll-like face made her stand out from other women.

But it wasn't just her beauty that made her different, it was her inability to feel the cold despite her barely covered frame.

The peasant girl was using witchcraft to keep herself warm, making her a witch. With a few background research, the king and queen discovered the girl was a pure blood witch, making her one of the last pure blood witches alive without an incestuous blood line.

They demanded she marry their only son, but Draco was a stubborn young man who would rather die than marry scum picked off the street, pure blood or not.

Could Draco and this peasant get along?



Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy

Ashley Moore as Clarisse Lacroix

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Ashley Moore as Clarisse Lacroix

Ashley Moore as Clarisse Lacroix

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This story is set in 1792, and is an AU (alternate universe) meaning that yes, there are Harry Potter characters, but they are in a different universe.

I don't own any Harry Potter characters, I only own Clarisse.

Forgive me if I get any French words/sayings wrong, I barely speak French, so please correct me if something is wrong, but don't be rude about it.

Enjoy xoxo

This story is dedicated to my best friend pansyparks who urged me to write about our beloved platinum blonde wizard. Love you xx

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