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Clarisse felt out of place as her dark dirty skin contrasted against the crisp white tiles of one of the many luxurious bathrooms in the palace. Her torn up muddy boots were thrown out by Hermione along with her rags. She stood bare skinned next to the bath tub, afraid to submerge herself in the warm water.

She hadn't seen her reflection in what seemed like years to her, she had almost forgotten what her face had looked like. She stood confused as she wiped away dirt and soot off of her face, spreading the grime as her hands were just as dirty. Clarisse's head sharply turned to look behind at the door as Hermione knocked on the door repeatedly, telling her to unlock the door. Clarisse did so, letting Hermione into the bathroom.

Clarisse did not hide her bare body, she had lost her pride and dignity by living on the streets, begging and stealing. You aren't insecure about your appearance when your priority is clean drinking water and food.

"Get in the tub and I'll attempt to tame that hair of yours," Hermione instructed. Clarisse hesitated as she felt the water touch the tip of her toe as she tested the temperature. She completely submerged both feet in the tub, almost falling over due to the overwhelming warmth she felt. Warm water was almost like a mythical tale to her, her only baths took place in dirty rivers and lakes.

Clarisse let out a deep sigh as she submerged her body in the water, cleaning herself off as Hermione lathered her hair with soap. She winced as Hermione repeatedly tugged onto her curly hair, but Hermione didn't care if she was causing pain, the queen requested she clean Clarisse up, so that was what she would do.

"By Jove you won't be having any children from all those days out in the cold," Hermione muttered to herself. Clarisse ignored Hermione, unable to understand her words anyway. "Lets hope I can brew up a potion to increase your fertility."

Hermione eventually gave up on Clarisse's untameable curly hair, accepting that it was naturally curly and thick similar to her own. Clarisse shivered as the cold air made contact with the warm water droplets on her body, but the feeling of a large, fluffy towel soon warmed her up again.

Clarisse had never experienced this comfortable type of warmth before. For years during the winter, Clarisse tried to use magic to warm herself up, but she never attended Beauxbatons, meaning her skills in magic were below beginner. The spells she would use made her boiling hot instead, as if she were standing out in the scorching summer sun during the winter. Clarisse however didn't mind the summer heat, so she continued to raise her body temperature to high levels in order to stay safe from frost bite.

Hermione led Clarisse out of the en suite bathroom and into the luxurious servant bedroom that Hermione resided in. Hermione was Narcissa's favourite of all of the palace workers due to her perfectionist nature and determination; because of this Narcissa gifted her with the best room in the servant's quarters, and had her paid the most out of all of the servants.

"Just wait by the fire, I'll be back with some proper clothes for you." Hermione then left the room, leaving Clarisse to sit on the ground, wrapped in a fluffy towel in front of the warm fire. She traced her fingers along the patterns on the red and gold rug, smiling as she admired the beautiful textile art that she had never imagined could be done before.

The door suddenly opened, and a scrawny man with jet black hair and round glasses entered the room. His heavy boots made the pristine floor boards creek, and the numerous amount of keys hooked to his belt jingled as he dumped a large sack on Hermione's bed.

"Blimey Hermione you won't believe-" The man stopped his words as he noticed Clarisse sitting on the floor by the fire, looking at him blankly. He wondered how he didn't notice that the girl was not Hermione, but perhaps he had thought that Hermione's hair was extra bushy today. "You're not Hermione..." He sighed, looking at the girl oddly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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