Women =? Men

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Another controversial topic! I get so excited about these! So Midnight_muslimah (the nocturnal sister of the night) has people who ask "why can't a muslim women marry a non-muslim man but a muslim man can marry a non-muslim women?"

'Cause we're oppressed.

Kay bye guys! Don't forget to favor the chapter and comm....

I'm joking! ..... kinda'...

No no for real😂 ok so a heated topic!

Ok so Muslim men can't just marry any non-muslim ladies. Muslim men are specifically requested to marry only chaste women of the book; Christians and Jews. Muslim women, on the other hand, only get Muslim men.... lucky us! 😐 (jk jk lots of love to all the muslim men out there 💕)

Ok so why?! Why is this happening? Are men better than women? No. they're not. It's called logic.

In Islam, everyone has their own fancy little duties and roles! Fun times! More homework 🙄 in Islam, a man is expected to be a provider and a protector. He's responsible for the whole fam! Women are responsible for themselves and their babies.

Another point is that Islam is the only religion that gives women not only a high status but also many many rights. At the time, women were viewed as literally sexual objects made for pleasure and baby factories. Islam came and was like "guys chill they're humans".

Ok so imagine a muslim woman falling in love with a non-muslim resulting in them getting married and her moving to his house in another part of le world... all her rights, given to her by her god and creator, will be stripped away from her. She might be abused, killed, raped, or her husband might stop her from practicing her religion (For example: during Ramadan she might be fasting and he might want to get intimate and he might force her to break her fast to please him), in addition to a ton of other things. (Use your imagination on what could have happened to a woman at the time)

On the other hand, a muslim man marrying a non-muslim women is/was accepted mostly because Muslims were trying to spread tolerance. A Muslim man, a true muslim man, would never force his wife to do anything, in addition to her gaining rights she might literally get nowhere else nor even dream of having!

Also, at the time a child took his father's religion when born so it was more advantageous for a Muslim women to marry a Muslim man and give birth to muslim babies rather than marry a non-muslim and adding to the population of non-muslims which at the time they were at war with muslims so you guys can see how bad that would be.

This was all made for the protection of Muslim women and for respect to not only rights given to her by her god but also might attract other non-muslims to join Islam! Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh we have cookies come on in!


I hope you guys enjoyed that!

If you disagree please be respectful and please if you have any questions send them my way!

Coming soon!

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