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The prologue credit goes to both Sam and me. However, most of the part was done by Sam, so clapping for her. *Cue clapping for her.* *Me too.* XD In the next chapter you'll be enlightened with my work mostly. ^_^ Hope you like it. Vote, comment and critique politely. Don't advertise or be rude <- The comments are most likely to be removed if you do any of those things. Now, I'll stop making you wait. Cheers!

Happy Reading!



The frigid cold relentlessly bit her. She hardly had any warm clothing to cover her. Shivering, she trudged forward. Her eyes were slightly wet with the precedent tears she had shed. Her teeth were chattering, nonstop. It was so gelid that she may as well have frozen.

Still on her feet, she staggered closing the distance between her and her destination. It required extreme drudgery just to keep her from falling flat on her face to hug the ground. Since the prospect was not very appealing, she opted for the backbreaking work rather than the fall.

Wind started to blow even harder and her dirty black hair; previously silky, slapped her in the face. She could see the lights switched on in the houses and immediately envied all those families which were enjoying the frosty weather gaily. There were enchanting fairy-tale like families in those big mansions she passed. She knew that they were draining hot chocolate in to their stomachs or eating delicious mouth-watering cookies to comfort their ravenous bellies.

For a moment she wondered what it would have been like to have all those things, to have everything handed in front of her, embellished flawlessly on a golden plate.

Mourning over it won’t do me any good. She thought bitterly and lumbered through the snow.

 After a while she looked up. In front of her was a beautiful house with two balconies, French windows and a red roof.

Creeping forward, she jumped the fence and hid in a bush directly underneath a window. Slowly, she got up and peeped inside.

What she saw left her breathless.

There was a girl about her age in the room. There were lights all around, a huge tree in the middle of the room with boxes of different sizes and shapes wrapped so colorfully and delicately that she couldn't bear to look at them without feeling pangs of sadness. And oh, the food! She had no words to describe the feast spread across the oak table.

With tears in her eyes, she turned away and thought for the millionth time what she did to not deserve such happiness and joy.

The wind picked up and it got colder. Shivering in her scanty clothing, she sat down on a piece of cardboard in an alley beside the house. It was brightly lit but she sat down in a garbage bin's shadow and pulled the thin coat closer but in vain.

She was about to get up and walk home when she heard some footsteps. Afraid, she sunk back further in the shadows.

Shouting soon followed. It seemed as if a fight was going on between some men. The footsteps entered the alley and the voices became louder.

She peeked out and saw three young men, staggering along with bottles in their hands and shouting incoherent things.

Drunk out of their minds. She thought with disgust.

She could hear them better now. They were now pushing each other and she caught some words such as "My choice!", "Kicked me out!" and "Stupid Gina." She wondered who Gina was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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