I dont even know....

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  Okay now that that's out of my system, I can start screaming at how bad I was at art back then and (maybe a little now.) Okay story time for art, I use to be like OBSESSED with drawing anime wolves but I'm glad I grew out of that style because I really don't like it but I consider it an art style because you have to learn to develop it for all those who are about to start hating on me XD. And another thing my anatomy was off completely, for starters whenever they're both sitting down maybe a little bit on top of each other it just doesn't make any sense and second tails are all over the place and the wings are bent uncomfortably but I'm so glad I have improved at least a little over the past years but I really want to ask you guys if I should re-draw it and add on to the picture with your own little backstory to it and I'll clued it in the next chapter with you tagged in it so please if you want to be recognized please tell me what I should add onto the picture because as you can see there's not much in there except three wolves......so and remember I'll be judging it on my opinion of style I don't really like the idea of first come first serve, this will be a judging contest.


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