Chapter 2- this boy cocky

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As I sit on the couch watching spongebob my phone keeps vibrating and of course it is the one and only Jessica.


Jessica:hey you wanna go to watch the new captain America movie at Lime Grove?

I really want to see it but I already had plans of inviting James over today.

Me:hey sorry can't have plans.

Jessica:since when do you have plans and what exactly are these plans?

Me:well I plan on inviting James over for starters and get to know him more because hey he is my new neighbor so yeah and then I have some work around the house that needs to be done with our parents around things are a lot harder especially with two little monsters as well.

Jessica:ouuuu get in that sauce gurlll!!!

Me:😒😒there will be no getting in of sauce I don't like him I just wanna get to know him because he's a new neighbor and you know the last neighbor was a mean old woman who used to yell at the postman.

Jessica:oh yeah that woman was mean and miserable what became of her?

Me:well she died or was murdered or something like that all I know is she is in a grave now. May that woman rest in the deepest part of hell.

Jessica:😂😂😂well anyway I'm gonna go message the cotton candy stall boy and see if he wants to go watch it with me instead.byeeeee

Me:byeee have fun

I put my phone to sleep and rested it on the couch."I should probably go and put on something decent to wear and head over to James'"I said to myself.

I dragged my feet up the stairs and into my room where I went into my walking closet and picked out an Adidas t-shirt and some ripped jeans with Adidas superstar shoes


I think I look pretty cute not to brag *mentally flips hair*

I grab my keys and make way downstairs back to the couch and then grab my phone and left.

I made my way up his driveway which was very similar to mine and stopped right in front of his front door.

Should I press the doorbell

Uhhhh yeah how else are you going to get to speak to him if he doesn't know that your outside.

Fineeeee!!!ugghhh I hate it when you are right.

I end the convo with myself and step closer to the door and press the bell.
In a matter of five seconds the door flew open to reveal a tiny blond headed girl. she looked to be around the same age as the twins

"Hello what's your name?"she said very sweetly.she had baby blue eyes with rosy cheeks and a very pretty smile.

"Hello I'm maddison and what's your name?" I said while stooping down to her level.

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