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a/n: hello! Uh, this is my first Overwatch fanfic so please be nice. I'm still working on character development. This story probably won't fit into the actual story/lore of the game so please don't get mad.
Also, this is gonna be Gency and also McHanzo so heads up if you're not into that.
Maybe smut later? Dunno, not sure.
Anyway, please enjoy!


"Genji. Genji, wake up." Hanzo let out a loud sigh, hoping that would stir his brother. Again, he tried, "Genji! It's time to wake up! We have a mission today!" Nothing. Not even a shudder. Hanzo groaned this time and proceeded to rip the covers off the snoring form of his brother. "Up!"
Genji, who was caught in said covers, was torn from his slumber and right over the side of the bed with a cry. He landed on the floor with a thud, the resulting sound metallic and hilarious. "Hanzo! I was having a great dream!"
Hanzo rolled his eyes and threw the blankets over his brother. "Up. Morrison needs us for briefing." He turned and left the room, leaving Genji on the floor.
Genji sighed and stood up, stretching his sore body as he did so. "Stupid Hanzo," he muttered, gathering the sheets and tossing them back on the bed. He quickly made it and threw on some pants and a shirt before hurrying down to the briefing. The automatic door opened, revealing the entire team and an angered Morrison. Genji silently took his seat.
"Alright, soldiers. This will not be an easy mission. Ilios has been compromised, and I'm sending you all in to reclaim it and aid with citizen rescue." Genji's mind drifted back to his dream as Morrison spoke, trying to reconstruct the beautiful array of food that was there.
"Genji, did you hear me?" Morrison snapped, slamming his hands on the table. Genji jolted and blinked. "U-uh--"
He was interrupted by a sigh from Morrison. "I said, you're partnered with Angela. Please keep her safe during citizen rescue. Am I clear?"
Genji nodded. "Yes, sir." His eyes went from Morrison to Angela, his new partner. She was focused on the tablet in her small hands, staring intently at whatever was there (Genji assumed medical records). His eyes examined all of her facial features; her eyes, chin, jawline, faint smile. She was beautiful. His trance was broken by another table slam from Morrison. "Dismissed!"
Everyone stood up, some with groans, and headed to get ready to depart. Genji sighed, watching Angela still. She slowly stood, eyes still fixed to the screen. He stood up with her and headed towards her, only to be stopped by Hanzo.
"Go get changed. We leave at 0845," he grumbled. "Quickly, if I may add."
Genji nodded and sulked back to his quarters, still thinking about the food dream and Angela.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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