Chapter 12: Graduation

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The day was finally here. Our graduation. We were saying goodbye to everyone else and leaving for a life of work. I was going to continue my videos and move to the UK. Today was also the day I had to say goodbye to Pieter.

We had decided not continue on the path of a relationship because it just won't work long distance. I tried with my High School boyfriend and it just didn't work out. We would be together until the end of the week, then I will say goodbye to him for good.

All of my friends wanted to say goodbye before I returned to Ireland, so we had one day that we all hung out before we graduated. Everyone met at my favorite restaurant and we had a fun day. Pieter even showed up and hung out before we officially called it off. 

"Hey, Jess, are we ready to call it today?"

"Yeah, I think we are. I'm leaving in three days so we should just call it."

"I still love you."

"I do to, but it won't work. It will never work. I tried with my high school boyfriend and it didn't last three months."



Since we broke up, I haven't heard from him. We no longer talk and now I live in Manchester, England. I have a bunch of friends and my first singing gig and my first TV show.  I am super excited that I was this successful in my first year out of collage and I was already on a TV show and performing in an Auditorium. What else can I do? 

I wonder. 

I wonder what.

I wonder what could become of me.

I wonder what could

I wonder what

I wonder

I... I... I miss Pieter. I wish he was here with me that is the only thing missing from my life is a boyfriend, that is the only thing to help with this success. He's the only person who I want to share this with, but it wouldn't work out. 

I walked into the house of my best friend and we sat until morning crying and watching my favorite show on TV.

Word Count: 353

Hey, everyone, this is the last chapter of A New Pitch. I'm sorry I left this for a few weeks but I'm going to wrap this up. Now, I haven't gotten any responses of if you want a sequel or prequel so please comment down below and this will help me plan how the rest of the year is going to go. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this and if you did slap the vote button in the face and I guess I won't see you in the next chapter unless you read my other books so, goodbye.

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