so long and mistake no. 1

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it is my favourite participant whom amazingly primitive ape deceandants life forms still think to be a pretty neat idea, yes its none other than


- digital watches -  interestingly it also one of the things on which trilogy written by Oolon Colluphid and hitchhiker guide to galaxy doesn't have to say '' belgium on you '' to each other

It's an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem for instance Belgium is the rudest word in the Universe and by universe i mean Really  .. really big one yet by a strange bizarrely improbable or whatever coincidence it is also the name of a country on Sol III ( earth ) it is stated as "completely banned in all parts of the universe except in parts, where they don't know what it means,  where whose lifeforms don't have vocal chord and in serious screenplays."

well i know what you are thinking but  i won't go on that beacuse this book ( me ) doesn't give a shit on what you think ( please be offended loves and kisses ; Oolon colluphid ) 

here what trilogy written by Oolon colluphid has to say about digital watches, it says A digital watch is / was or will be a form of timepiece on sol III , it consisted of liquid crystal displays , and and and  and( these ands are not a mistake , they are art ) most mind-bogglingly fascinating thing about it is that they are equipped with a super duper ,  electronic beeping sound for an alarm with variety of light emmiting diode of different VARIETY of  colour , well it is consider to be a very primitive idea  but here is what Oolon colluphid ( me ) once said '' digital watches are not primitive when compared to Infinite Improbability drive because it is equipped with super duper electronic beeping sound for an alarm with variety of light emmiting diode of different colour but digital watches are primitive when compared to the super duper great celestial ID10T inconvenience cleaner - which is a small moistened peice of paper saturated with isopropyl alcohol and with minboggingly fanstastically hyper active dispensing mechanisms which is also know to ape decandants lifeforms as freshies the baby wipes

Baby wipes are so popular and widely used idea in the universe that some ursa minor philospher are in constant debate that - whether Arthur Julius( the inventor of baby wipes )was a lifeform or a wax statue of celestial ID10T planet

(important - ignore it if you can ; Anencephalous = Absence of a brain. )

digital watches is also consider one of the god greatest mistake and no wonder why it shouldn't , as digital watches is the soul reason for the destruction of its own unfashionable planet Sol III , earth / sol III is considered mostly mysterious not because the fashion industry here consist of everything but not peanut butter , it is considered mysterious  because it's a giant super computer designed by deep thought and built by magratheans Unfortunately the Earth was destroyed by the Vogons five minutes before the earth program was to be completed , well it is an Anencephalous fact that zhaphod beeblebrox current president of our unfortunate galaxy could have easily completed his quest if he had ever got curiosity for the word Anencephalous because right after its meaning in the trilogy of Oolon colluphid it was written about earth being the supercomputer of deep thought which is what you have read just now .



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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