Hamilton, Lafayette, Laurens, and Mulligan

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Lafayette's POV

You: Guys.

You: Guys.

You: Guys.

Ham: Yes?

You: I just ate a baguette sandwich.

Laurens: I just took a shower.

Mulligan: I just finished tying my shoe.

Ham: I just killed a man.

You: ...

Mulligan: wut

Laurens: ummmm

You: If you need help, I can hide the body.


You: I'm taking this horse by the reins making redcoats redder than bloodstains.

Laurens: No! You cannot help aid in murder!

Mulligan: I'll help too👌

Laurens: Guys!

Mulligan: Wut?

You: Hi.

Laurens: For the love of all that is holy.

Laurens: You know what? Who am I kidding? I'll help too.

Ham: Guys

Mulligan: Yes?

Ham: I killed someone... with words... in a cabinet meeting.

Laurens: Oh...

Mulligan: Yeah, I knew that. I was just kidding😅

You: Yeah, totally.

Ham: It's nice that you would do that for me, but you guys need help😂😂

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