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Hello - An Emison One-Shot

Hello, it's me, I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet,

Rosewood, Pennsylvania

Alison DiLaurentis' finger hovered over the call button on her contacts, still deciding whether or not she should. A nagging voice in her head reminded her that calling this girl was a huge mistake. After all, she broke her heart. But as Alison stared harder at the picture attached to the contact, she forgot for a second why she hadn't forgiven the owner of those rich chocolate brown eyes.

It's been a year since Alison had last heard from Emily Fields, and by now, many had argued she should've tried to forgive the brunette. But her wounds were still fresh. She still has nightmares about Emily's words which confuse her, because after all she's been through, only those words can't seem to stop terrifying her.

But compared to being buried alive, going to jail for a crime she did not commit, being conned by her identity thief husband, and being stalked for God knows how many years, the pain of hearing the love of her life telling her that she should get an abortion so Emily wouldn't be connected to Alison in any way hurt more.

Emily didn't want to see her own child to live, just so she could have the freedom to chase after her ex girlfriend in Ohio. Alison knew it was tough for Emily, but Ali knows she's had it worse.

She was forced to give birth to the child of a psychopathic stalker that they would later find out to be Wren Kingston, but Emily never considered that. All that was in her head was that she wanted her ex back into her life and doesn't want a baby. Alison didn't want that either but she thought she could've at least had some comfort from the brunette, instead of her constant reasoning that having the baby was a bad idea. She fully agreed to have an abortion. The kid was a reminder of how fucked up her life was like, so they agreed that as soon as Emily leaves Rosewood, she will lose the baby.

It hurt though, for Emily to follow Paige McCullers to Ohio while she had to suffer staying in Rosewood with a two-month old baby in her belly. Not once though, had she thought that it was utterly selfish of Emily. Not once.

But a few days after Emily left, Alison realized that she was all alone. Sure, her brother promised he'd visit but who was to comfort her in days he wasn't at home? Alison had no clue. Spencer had left with Toby to go to D.C. even though everyone questioned their relationship. Aria and Ezra were always traveling. And Hanna and Caleb were in New York for Hanna's ever growing business. Ali doesn't have anyone or anything to keep her sane.

Then before her first session to abort the baby, she felt something stir in her stomach. She was sure she was imagining it, two-month old fetuses are immobile. They don't move. But even as she found it alarming, she rubbed her stomach in an attempt to soothe it. Suddenly, she didn't think she was alone anymore.

She had Emily's baby. In her stomach, waiting patiently to see the woman who carried her in her womb; to see the woman trying to soothe her.

Losing Emily was enough for her, she didn't want to lose little Emily too. So she decided not to go through with the abortion. And decided to love the tiny person living inside her.

To go over everything,

She tried to send Emily a letter and multiple texts, telling her that she was keeping the baby but she never got a reply. And that's what hit Ali the most. It was when she realized that Emily had completely turned her back on her.

But Ali was stronger than anyone. Ali would raise their child, with or without her help.

Jason had found out about her decision and he supported her, albeit hesitantly. He would take her to baby shops so they could get some clothes for her child, he would stock up their fridge and cupboards with ice cream and peanut butter for when Ali craved for them, and he would go with her to clinics for her check ups.

Hello (Emison One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now