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All the kids were at Crazy Glaze(a clay painting place), Maybeck's house. His Aunt Bess (also called Jelly) had left them alone to work on whatever they were doing.

"So," said Willa, "What did you call us for?"

"This," answered Maybeck. He showed them a note of scrambled words.

"What do you think it is?" said Amanda.

"Well, the last thing is Wayne," said Lucy.

"How did you know that?" asked Maybeck.

"The only thing that changed was the W and the A," said Lucy.

"So do you really think it was Wayne?" asked Willa.

"Who knows," said Charlene.

"Its Wayne, because he knew if it was the easiest thing we would find it the easiest, so its he probably hem. I think it depends on where you found it." said Professor Philby.

"It was on the back of the fake employee card Wayne gave me," said Maybeck.

"Its Wayne," said Finn.

They all agreed.

"We need to figure this out," said Charlene.

"So, Philby," said Amanda, "Are we going to cross over?"

"No, we would fall into their trap. Then we would all be stuck in the Syndrome*" answered Philby.

"Yeah, but they expect us not to cross over," said Lucy, "We need to cross over. But not at the same time, maybe at 10:30.

"You're right," said Finn, "What do you think Philby.

"Yeah, I guess," said Philby.

"We need to go," said Jess, "Mrs. Nash will flip on me and Amanda if we're not home on time."

"Kay. Bye," said everyone.

"I have to go, too," said Charlene,

"Me too," said Finn.

"I'm going to take this home and figure this out," said Lucy.

They all left, ready to see each other that night.


Syndrome* is what they call being stuck crossed over, unable to cross back over into their homes. They also call is Sleeping beauty Syndrome and SBS.

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