The spread...

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The infection began to spread over the USA. And people in Shouth-Africa began to hear about it men were beginning to build shelters to keep save. Pewdiepie began to watch the news and suddenly just paused. He ran to the others and said:" Guys!!! We're in trouble!" He got to the girls and they al went to the TV they all sat and watched the horrible news. Some of the girls were crying and pewdiepiw held his girlfriend so tight and said softly:" Hey. Its ok... we will stay together."
Marzia said:" Felix! I dont wanna lose you!"and they cept on hugging. The news guy said:" The infection is spreading over the United States and over Canada slowly making its way to Europe. Volks stay save and stalk up on food,water and weponds. Houp you all are save. Thats all from me bye!" Denis found a tier in his eye.Alex was shoked and couldn't move Corl stood there and hugged the pals sub said nothing cuz he can't speak. Sketch stood with his hand on his mouth with Ethan by his side. Jack ran out to the owner of the hotel and told him to close the hotel. It was just the Youtubers in the hotel so he closed it for the night. Zeph had a Idea right before they went to sleep. He got up and told the guys his plan :" guys we have to go out tomorrow to get some planks and board up the windows and wile we're out there the girls can get anything the want out there like flowers and what not and if lizzza is with them she can help them find stuff to survive! !!" All the guys looked at Zeph and all of them thanked him for his graet idea. They all went to sleep. And said that they would tell the girls tomorrow...

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