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I crossed my arms. "I don't get it. I saw it right THERE." I said pointing where the figure was. "What?" Cat Noir said confused. "A dark figure. It was walking there." I said. Then, Cat Noir kissed my cheek. My froze and my cheeks started to heat up. "Um..Cat?.." I said dazed. "Hm?" He asked. "Uh.. Nothing." I pushed him off of me and ran. He followed me. I stopped and looked into an empty street. My eyes darted to the black figure.

"Who is that?!" Cat Noir cried. "I don't know," I replide. Then a lady came walking and screamed at the figure. The figure sucked her soul. The figure took a glance at us. Cat Noir and I stared at each other then the figure. "RUN." we both ran the way we came from. "Don't say it, don't even think it!"

We ran to an empty alley. "NO CAT NOIR WE CAN'T GO IN HERE!!!" I shrieked. But it was too late. The figure came out of the shadows. I wrapped my yoyo around the figure but it went through.

I widened my eyes in horror. The figure pounced on Cat Noir and sucked his soul out of him. "CAT NOIR!!" I screamed tears welling in my eyes. The figure looked at me and lifted my up. He started choking me.

"Cat Noir.... Where is the...*cough* Akuma?" I said. "How should I know? There is nothing but a shadow!" Then the figure disappears.

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