The Testing

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Each world is a test.

Once you're dead, if you've passed, you move on to another world. If you fail, you vanish. Nobody knows where, but they're never seen again.

How do you pass? Nobody knows. Only time will tell if you pass.

I've woken up again. This is the third world I've been to. They say there are 5 worlds, then forever peace on world 6, but nobody knows for sure.

I always spawn by a cherry blossom tree, and always start at the age of 25. It's a bit discouraging that I've missed a chunk of my life, but I guess 25 is just where my test begins.

I stand up and begin walking. Where? I don't know. But my mind wonders as I search for civilization.

If we're right, I'd only have this and two other worlds to complete. But what about world 6? Do we all start from the beginning stage of life? To we live for eternity? Or do we die a normal death like they did way back when.

Yes, the world's weren't always like this. There weren't always tests and whatnot for the people. They say that one day, about a thousand years ago, all 6 if the planets aligned and our world changed. Some people believe we're transported between the planets when we are respawned, and we drift in space when we fail. Others believe we're just transfered to alternate universes, staying on the same planet.

The world's supposedly get harder to pass more you move up, but it's hard to tell when you don't know what makes you pass.

The last two worlds I tried living the same life and it's worked, but apparently the gods inbetween world's don't think it'll work again for me- at least, that's what they said right after they told me I passed.

It's probably the most terrifying thing to wait for your results. I remember the sheer terror on everyone's faces. They call the inbetween world Purgatory, and that place is probably the most terrifying I've ever been.

People are always freaking out, crying, screaming, scared out of their minds that they did something wrong.

Before you spawn into world one, you actually start in a different part of Purgatory, where directors are trying to explain how we need to pass these tests. I remember that day like it was yesterday. People were yelling and panicking when the directors couldn't explain or give any information on how to pass.

After we learned that you could fail, I vowed not to grow attached to anyone in case they or I failed. I avoid talking to people if at all possible.

Speaking of which, my thoughts were cut short when a small town came into view along the horizon.

Well that didn't take as long as last time. Thank God.

Last time I spent days- maybe weeks- looking for civilization.

I started jogging toward the town. I hated talking to people, but I needed supplies and information on this world if I was going to survive.

About 20 minutes later, I arrive outside the town, making my way in. There wasn't much activity going on here, just a few people here and there, chatting or carrying how groceries.

"Excuse me," I said approaching a woman. "I just spawned, could you direct me to the Hundi building?" The Hundi building was basically a small building where you get brief info on each world.

"Continue this way, turn left at the stop sign, then it should be across the street on the right," she answered quietly. She must not like talking to people either.

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