Chapter 1

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Ridgemont High was just an ordinary school in South Carolina. Nothing important ever seemed to happen. I had arrived a little early. I needed to find my mom's necklace I borrowed last week and had forgotten to return. It was somewhere in my locker where I left it when it kept tangling in my long hair and getting on my nerves. As soon as the bell rang, I made my way to my locker.

In my hurry, I rounded a corner and ran into someone. I looked up to see who it was and almost fainted, Harry Styles I ran into Harry Styles. He grabbed my shoulders to keep her from bouncing backwards. He leaned his head and his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered " hey baby girl, you must be in a big hurry."

I was shocked at running into Harry that I couldn't even speak. I just stood there looking at him like a frightened mouse with my eyes wide open. Harry found this amusing. He let go of me. A smirk crossed his face as his hair slid over his eyes. He took a step back and popped my bottom. "Get along baby girl," he said. "You are way to timid to play with a person like me."

I practically ran to the bathroom. My face was flushed. How dare him touch me like that. The big question was why it felt so exciting. I should have told him off, but the works wouldn't come. What is wrong with me?

I eventually found the necklace in the bottom of my locker and I put it around my neck so I wouldn't forget it. This Friday went along much like every other day. I was dreading my 4th period because I would be forced to see Harry again. He sat near me in Spanish Class. I kept my eyes averted the best I could to avoid making eye contact with him.

Things were going pretty well until Mrs. Anthony said "Everyone listen for your name," Mrs. Anthony said "Everyone will have a partner to practice with. Now through the end of next week, we will spend thirty minutes of each class learning our dance." As the names were called there was the general laughter as people were paired off with unlikely partners. "Emma, you will be with Harry," Mrs. Anthony said. As I looked up I met Harry's laughing eyes. "You know, baby girl I had never really noticed you until today and now we get real close while we learn to dance," Harry said

My first story, let me know what you think

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