Chapter 10

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After locking all the doors and windows, I run to the medicine cabinet to find some sort of pill that will end my misery.

I finally decide on the pills that were supposed to help me sleep. " Dang," I think to myself, "they changed to cap."

They probably did that because of all the other times I had tried to this. Finally I just decide to take a hammer and smash the lid. Haymitch has been banging on the door ever since I ran out of his house. Yelling at me to Stop! Peeta will come back etc etc.

I just don't care anymore. I can't live without Peeta and I'm a failure at life. So what's the point of going on living?

I hear the door being knocked down just as I get the cap smashed off. That's when I hear him. Peeta. Wait, no. That's not possible. Peeta's in the Capitol yelling obscenities about me. I figure I'm just hallucinating. So I continue with dumping pills into my hand. That is until someone knocks them out of my hand.

I look up and see those wonderful blue eyes and ashy blonde hair. Then I start screaming, " Please Peeta, just let me die! I wanna die! Please Peeta!"

He scoops me up into his arms and cradles me while saying, "No Katniss. I can't let you do that. You are my life and if you die then I swear I won't be far behind."

" Please Peeta, just let me and I won't be such a bother." I scream at him.

"Oh Katniss," he says, " you were never a bother."

That's when I really lose it and just start sobbing into his shirt. " I'm ...... so ......sorry........ you had ...... to.... come........ home..... to this...... P..p.peeta."

" Katniss," Peeta breathes, " I'm just glad I was here to stop you. I wouldn't have ben able to go on without you."

"Peeta," I say to him, "I've been through hell and back waiting for you."  I say to him before smashing my lips onto his. He seems startled at first but then kisses me back. This kiss is passionate yet gentle.

We were both lost in the moment until..........

Life Without Him: An After Mockingjay FanficWhere stories live. Discover now