Thomas Jefferson X pregnant reader

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" darling I can clean by myself" I say a bit annoyed, ever since Regina's found out I was with child he hasn't let me do a single dam thing. " the slaves will do it my sweet lay down. " " I don't even want the slaves to be slaves Thomas. Just let me do something. "  he shakes his head and picks me up, carrying me upstairs. " nope, I'm looking out for our child, they will be out first born after all so they must be healthy. " he says and lays me down. " I don't see why- oh Shit!" I say as Thomas grabs my hand. " what's wrong?" "The baby kicked. That's all, it's almost due. It knows it."  I say and he lays down next to me, rubbing my stomach. " I am so happy you're having my child y/n. I wouldn't trust any other girl to do the job. " he says and we kiss.


I was sound asleep until I wake up in terrible pain, there's liquid everywhere. I shake Thomas awake. " Thomas my water broke. " I say and he yells for my two favorites heath and Bradley to get a medic as he runs back to me holding my hand. " it's okay little lamb, just squeeze my hand  if it hurts. " I squeeze his hand. " ow Fuck not that hard!" " Thomas......I'm having your baby.....let me do this. " he sighs and nods.

_time skip_

"OH MY GOD FUCK YOU THOMAS JEFFERSON FOT PUTTING ME THROUGH THIS!" "Breathe Mrs. Jefferson and push when you exhale. " the medic says. " you're doing great baby." Thomas says and Heath holds my other hand. " I know it hurts young mistress, you can do this. " he says and Bradley is helping with preparing the nursery.

_ time skip_

" congratulations (you have invented a new kind of stupid) Mrs. Jefferson, it's a girl." He says and hands me a wrapped up tiny human. She has my skin and Thomas's hair and my eyes. " what do you want her to be named my love?" He asks, kissing g my forehead. " Marie" I say. In the end she was named Marie Lafayette roche Washington Sofia Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson one shots and imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora