Epilogue - Guy

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It's been nine years since I left my country to study abroad. It has been a hell of a journey since then I am now going on to do my PhD. Studying abroad was the best thing that ever happened to me.

But I miss her I have missed her every minute I spent away from her. I'm sure I'm over her but I still want to meet her but I still want to see her grow, succeed and just be the way she was and most importantly she loved herself immensely after she got out of the self pity pool she created for herself.

It was so beautiful to her dong her crazy-weird stuff.

I went to meet my papi (grandfather) about eight years ago in our town. I wanted to see her but; I wanted her to move on so I decided otherwise.

When I left she didn't say a thing not even goodbye, she just looked at me with her straight look she was quiet which she is never is she's a loud chatty bitch rust me I know she wanted me to stay but she is too mannered and sometimes that's a bad thing.

I never want to see her like that again so quiet, so sad I don't like her that way so I went. I think she knows that I came and she'll always wonder why but I think we both have some thinking to do. I hope she forgives me.

She'll always wonder why I didn't come


I'll always try to figure out what she had to say, the day I left.


let me know what you think about this one.

this story is very close to my heart i hope u like it


- love  jukebox_rj

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