>Chapter 11<

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          I ripped my sorry ass brother off of the poor girl and threw him across the clearing. I was not in the mood to watch and feel someone be groped in front of me. I looked at the girl, her lake blue eyes were round in shock and amazement; not one trace of fear.

          “Stay the FUCK away from her” I snarled at him, angrily. His blue eyes widened in shock and he scrambled to get up.

          “Who are you, and what in the hell possessed you to come into my territory?” my brother growled, not realizing who I was.

          “Oh, but Dae Dae don’t you remember me?” I said in an innocent little girl voice. His eyes went huge in pure absolute shock, just as quickly they narrowed to blue slits. He ran his hand through his black hair angrily.

          “Lex… I… I thought you were dead?” he stuttered calling me by my nickname I haven’t heard in years. Taking a step forward, his eyes slowly went from me to the girl and they filled with anger and lust.

          “Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. Here” I snarled stepping further in front of her. Instantly his eyes flashed back to me, they were furious.

          “Don’t you dare tell me, your older sibling, what to do. Especially in my own territory” he growled.

          “Hun, I could kill you with the snap of my fingers, get the hell out of here or I will not hesitate” I said, annoyed.

          Pausing, before he ran he looked around; after making sure no one was around he shifted and high tailed it out of there. After I made sure he was long gone I turned back to the girl, she was bruised from where he had her and I know they hurt because I could feel them, she was the person who I felt there pain.

          “Hi, I’m Alexandria! You can call me Lex though” I said cheerily, offering a hand shake. Grinning she took my hand and shook it.

          “I’m Chey, thanks for saving my ass. I swear though I could’ve gotten out of it” she claimed shaking her head. I laughed; I think I may like her.

          “Daemon has always been a bully don’t worry about it, anyway how’d you stumble along finding him?” I questioned casually, while contemplating on how to bring up I feel everything she does.

          “I didn’t find him, he sorta found me; even better is that he’s my mate. Well ex mate.” She growled softly, turning she started walking again, I quickly followed.

          “Really? Wow you’re unfortunate; I am guessing you realized how un lucky you were and you rejected him for someone else” I said, jumping over a log.

          “Ha I should have, he rejected me because he thought I lied” she said, snarky like.

          “Ooo I’m curious what happened?” I asked stopping and tilting my head to the side. Stopping she looked back at me.

          “Well he thought I slept with this guy named Morgan and flipped shit.” She stated coldly.

          “Morgan? Hmm rings a bell. Any way I got to get down to business, I am gonna cut straight to the chase. I can feel your pain and emotions” I said all peachy like. Her eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped.

          “You on drugs?” she questioned, I laughed and sat down on the ground, I patted the spot next to me and she came and set down.

          “Nah, now stop pinching yourself dumbass it hurts. Ok anyways I am gonna tell you something you cannot tell Daemon ok?” I paused and she nodded. “Alright, I am Daemon’s younger sister; when it was little it was him, me, and his twin Jason. Well everyone thinks Jason is ‘dead’ where as in reality I have him locked up in a secured cell from getting out an slaughtering everyone. The problem with out family is that we are all blood thirsty; I am the only one who can ignore it… well actually I sort of, I fill my blood thirst bad killing evil supernatruals. Jason could not control his at all, I found him when he was on a killing spree, raping the innocence then slaughtering them; I couldn’t bring myself to kill him so I locked him up. Daemon, well he can control his very well he has just lost reason too, so if he keeps killing I am gonna have to lock his ass up.” I told her solemnly, her face was white.

          “It’s my fault…” she claimed quietly. I shook my head and she added “yes it is, I just know it” tears started to well in her eyes making it look like I was looking into a lake.

          “No, don’t cry please; this is not your fault. It has always been his destiny to slip sometime, if it hadn’t been now it was bound to happen later” I told her, pulling her into a hug. Shudders went through her body as she cried for him. I have never in my years of following killers seen someone they shattered cry for them. I felt her shuddering cease and her breathing steady. It was like she was asleep but I knew she wasn’t.

          “What are you…? We have werewolves, vampires, werecats; so what are you?” I heard her soft voice.

          “Me? I… I am a Mutant” is all I said, leaning my head on hers.


          I strolled into school the next day with a sly grin on my face, I had a plan. Since I turned, my grandfather told me I can hurt the ones I love so I should break ties with them, specifically Chey. The only way I could think that I could cut ties is shatter her; trust me I am aware it is a shitty idea but hey I need all I can get. I found her at her locker, she had her golden brown hair in a two little braids with a green head band that matched her green shirt, she was wearing her favorite black boots with her favorite jeans with knees ripped out. I walked up to her grinning, even though on the inside I was dreading what was about to happen.

          “So Chey, look I don’t want to be friends with you anymore. You see it is not good for my popularity to hang out with someone as ugly as you so please don’t ever talk to me again” I stated snobbishly, every bone in my body wanted to take it back, hug her and tell her I’m lying.

          “Alright Blake I will respect your wishes” she nodded, trying to block my line of sight from the tears that welled in her lake blue eyes. I tightened my jaw and walked off toward my class.

          I jerked up in my bed waking from my memory/ dream in cold sweat. Creepily enough I still every single day feel the ache in my chest, I will never lose her again; I growled as the thought entered my mind.

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