jeon jungkook jeon guy

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Third Person P

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Third Person P.O.V

"I knew he'd ask for you, but not this soon," Minjae muttered grimacing as he thought of the boss and Taehyung meeting.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked a frown forming on his face.

"No, its just that, he's not like me..."

"Like you?"

"I mean, hes not going to be as nice as me, you know?"

"Ah... well, what do you expect, he is the boss."

"True.. But.."

"Well, if I get killed for getting dragged into this Mafia thing.." Taehyung said flailing his arms, "I will personally murder you."

"Don't worry, I don't think he's going to kill you," Minjae said smirking. "I can't allow that to happen, now can I?"

"I doubt that, anyway is this Jeon guy scary or something, you guys told me that he was the youngest."

"We call him the Golden Boss, he's capable of everything. We can't match up to him."

"What should I do then? Since he's the big boss.. Should I bow? Apologize for my father's mistake?" Taehyung questioned, already dreading the answers.

Minjae got up and patted Taehyung's head.

"Yah! I'm older than you!"

Minjae retracted his hand and said, "Just try to be polite, no matter how arrogant or cocky he may sound. Just don't get on his bad side, oK?"

"My life is on the line here, I don't think I have the right to go crazy at him."

"Yup! That's my Taehyungie~" Minjae cooed at the older.

"How did this even happen?" Taehyung sighed.

"I wonder," chuckled Minjae "Just follow me, and don't say anything unnecessary."

"Yea, sure." Taehyung retorted following Minjae out the door. They walked for about a few minutes before arriving at what seemed like the biggest room. The silence was killing Taehyung but he dared not say anything. Two guards led them into an inner room, which consisted of a desk and couches.

"The boss is running a little late, but he'll be here shortly, just sit here and wait," one of the guards spoke with a heavy gruff voice, and left the room closing door behind him.

Taehyung released a heavy relieved sigh and turned to face Minjae who was already getting comfortable on one of the soft looking chairs.

"Just sit down, and wait. When he comes, stay put and don't give him that much of an eye contact." Minjae voiced motioning to one of the other chairs. Taehyung just nodded and took a seat, his legs bumping up and down.

"Don't be nervous, the worst that could happen is you getting released but watched for the rest of your life," Minjae said, a new smile forming on his face.

"Yeah that's not very desirable-," before he could finish his sentence, the door creaked open and the tapping of shoes could be heard.

"Boss..." Minjae whispered. Taehyung was too afraid to look up and meet the Boss' eyes, so he just kept looking down. His adams' apple bobbing up and down.

"Minjae..." Taehyung gulped, the man's voice sent a shudder through his body, and not in a good way. The scraping of a chair could be heard, and he knew that the man had taken a seat.

"Boss, it's been awhile."

"It has, and who is person, and why did you bring him into our family?"

"Uh.. Yeah, his father, Mr. Kim was one of our associates, but he ran away taking a huge lot of money. We looked for him, but finding him would take a lot more resources and time, so we opted to bring his son here." Minjae explained, and Taehyung cursed inside his head. He's never seen Minjae so polite before, this man he still had not looked at had a lot more power than he had imagined.

"I see, but what's his worth? Does he have any value that can be of use to us?" The boss questioned, indifference lacing his words.

"Some of our soldiers had watched for awhile, and it's been noted that he has good agility, reflexes and overall physical ability." Minjae answered. Taehyung almost bumped his knee on the coffee table, They had watched me! Fucking Mafia!

"I understand what you're suggesting, but you know that all the former applicants for the role have either died or fled."

Taehyung's breath hitched, he looked at Minjae and glared. His eyes sending the message that he would choke him to death. Minjae met his gaze and gave him a calming look, eyes telling him to calm down.

"I'm well aware of the fact, boss. It's all up to you."

The boss was quiet for a few seconds before he ordered Taehyung to look at him.

"What's your name?"

Taehyung wearily looked and when they said he had the looks, he hadn't thought much of it. But now he knew, the boss was fucking handsome. He had dark black hair parted in between the middle, and a black suit which fit well with his worked out body.

"Kim Taehyung." He answered holding onto the eye contact the whole time. The handsome boss looked startled for a second before he smirked, "I'm Jeon Jungkook. The boss of the Jeon Family, and I think you've got a job here now. Minjae will explain it to you. You guys can leave."

Minjae stood up and motioned for Taehyung to follow him out of the door. Taehyung cautiously stood up and gave Jungkook one last glance and followed Minjae.

After the door closed, Jungkook smiled, "We meet again, Kim Taehyung. It's been a long while." He took out his phone and dialed.

"I've got a person for the job, I just need you to train him for awhile."

"Are you sure boss?"

"Yup, we've finally got the perfect person for the role. Just take my word for it and train him diligently, Jimin."

"Whatever you say boss."

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