one ; dead to me

165 6 1

No heart, no trust.

That's what my friend, Jacob, always told me. But, now... he's gone. And, why? Well, maybe because he became the good guy, a natural softy. So, he decided that I was a bad influence.

And, I must say, I am a bad influence. You see, I was no ordinary girl who does bad things because of something in her past, I do bad things because I want to. My parents aren't divorced, my father doesn't abuse me nor does my mother, or anyone in the family in that matter.

They cared. Of course, they cared a lot for me. But, at the same time, I did not. They were the typical nice parents. People ask why I didn't get my personality from my parents, and I just say ; "Nice isn't really in my vocabulary. So, I don't care." Naturally, they'd say how rude that comment was. And, I would just repeat what I would say.

I was a natural at being rude or obnoxious. But, that was because I didn't care at all. I didn't care if they hated me or disliked me or think I am rude, I'm myself. And, I liked it when people know that they shouldn't mess with me.

I liked life. So far, so good. Usually, I'd just lay in bed this summer.

Until my parents thought it was a great idea to join summer camp.

"Esther Maxwell." My mother states as I sighed, "We, now, think it's official that you can go by yourself without injuring one of the children in this summer camp." She declares and my father smiling beside her as I chuckle.

That's what you think.

"And, this is supposed to be for? What, exactly? Just a regular, I don't need you in my house right now?" I ask as my father as he shook his head, "Of course not. We just want you to be friends with someone, you know? Dab buddies, huh?" He did the gesture when he said it as I grabbed the ticket from my mother's hand.

"I'd be glad to go, if it doesn't include my father's unwanted millennial-like epigrams." I state as he chuckles, "Go and pack your bags. I'll drop you off tomorrow afternoon."

I go up the stairs as I sigh and lay on my bed. There was a knock on my window as I spot my friend, Loren, her blonde hair cascading down her back. I open it as I chuckle, "Took you awhile. Wanna wreck up an empty wall? Trespassing in other people's homes?"

"Yeah, about that. My parents booked me up for some summer camp. It totally sucks. Although, I just heard you're going to." She states as she looks at the ticket, "Hm, yeah. Some douche-y thing." I shrug.

"So, I was thinking. They couldn't have a camp if we ruin it, huh?" She chuckles as I smile, "I like the way you think, Loren. Your car?"

"My car." She smiled.


Loren drove through turns and so on. We were keeping our pace slow, making sure that no police officers would catch us before we get there.

"Did you bring anything? Like a knife or something to cut things?" I ask as she shook her head, "They probably have those there. You know, woodcrafting and that shit."

I nod as I see a familiar car behind us, I chuckle as I look at Loren who was looking at the mirror, "So, how's the guy who is following us right now?" I ask as she looks onto the road, "Oh, trust me, I called him for extra help."

Eleven, Eleven || j.sDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora