01\ ほやほや

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What more in life would a seventeen year-old Huang Renjun need when everything in his room is what he thinks his existence is all about?

A laptop which works just fine, a fairly fast internet access (even much quicker than how he could take notice of), a mountain of stuffed toys of a favorite character Moomin occupying most of the space of his bed too big for his frail petite shape, the painting and coloring materials scattered on his bedroom's carpet, and of course, let's don't leave the nanny unmentioned, the woman in her mid 40's who never forgets to spoil him and his overall sweetly toothed being.

The world fits in his room.

He pretty much sing that phrase to his mom why he has to be excluded out of the 'boys his age'. Everyday, his mom is a broken record, appreciating the other teenagers who go out of their house, get involved in a healthy hobby (honestly, unlike his hobbies), and who actually socialize with real people and make friends, instead her only son.

The less sociable gamer does have friends... sort of. Supportive ones who won't let him down destroying a turret in the game League of Legends which clears up five straight victories, the heart-warming ones complimenting his slaying skills, the decent ones who don't talk trash and nonsense at the groupchat section during every game -they're all considered as friends, right?

Nonetheless, they are the way he just needs them to be. In each kilobits he consume to the gigabits he wastes, he could only care less of what's happening at the other side of his door.

From a young age of eleven, he lived the rest of her seventeen years this way, his impressively reserved and somewhat still surviving way.

But why haven't he thought of "tomorrow"?

A shattering noise. A crashed laptop screen. A baseball. One plus one plus one equals...?

"Hi, uhm, I'm Na Jaemin and we just moved next door -I'm very sorry for breaking your window," the change of his life spoke, standing by their front door.

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