chapter one: A

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Moving is my favorite thing to do.

Especially when we're moving to a different state or a far away county. The long drives are what I adore the most. The new places and sceneries you meet along the way is refreshing and outstanding. The different types of people you meet when you get there.

We move around a lot more than most people do.

Before starting kindergarten we moved 3 times and once I started we moved again in the middle of the year. The longest amount of time we've stayed in one place was 2 years.

"Why did you move again? My mommy says your family is weird. Are you weird too? Do you like moving?" I thought it was normal to move but according to other kids, it wasnt. That made me un-normal to them.

To others it was awkward first days, not knowing where to sit, feeling odd when people look at you and start whispering. Starting in your pre-teen years could be harder for most people because most of the kids knew each other since pre-school. But I didn't mind as much as they did because being the new girl was always fun. To me it meant you got a fresh new start, a new chapter, a new beginning.

I would always make friends wherever we went which wasnt a problem. The probelm was becoming attached to my new friends. I had told them not to get too close. They never listened. And although I tried not to attach myself to the people in a few of the places we stayed, it didn't seem to work.

I have a few long distant friends that I won't give up. I made memories with them like a normal kid who didn't move a lot. We shared secrets and we fought and we laughed and we cried like normal best friends. We did normal things until I packed up and moved away. As much as I like change, it meant I missed out on having the normal friendships other kids had been used to. The type of friendship where we could say "we've been best friends since 1st grade". They don't all come from the same place but they all know each other through me.

Each friend devastated when I told them we were parting ways, nevertheless would I forget them. They didn't understand why my dad couldn't settle with one job and I didn't understand why anyone would want to stay in the same place forever. Moving around is all I've ever known.

Arizona wasn't any different from the other places and last week was the last time I'd see it for a while. Dad got another new job and we moved again. This time we were headed to South Carolina. We had never moved to South Carolina before so the scenery was bound to be new and fresh to my eyes. I was excited to see new things again, smell new smells again, feel new feelings again and make new friends again. Anticipation was building up on the drive to our new home.

"Ana? Dear?" my mom turned down the radio and broke into my thoughts. She looked back, giving me a knowing small smile. "Guess what, baby."

I watched her smile get bigger as she bit down on her bottom lip. She didn't wait for an answer, "We're just thirty minutes away!" Her eyebrows shot up and she gave me an excited smile.

"Wait? We're that close!?" My body fills with excitement as I look out of the window with wondering eyes. I search my scenery.

To my left I see the ocean waving at me; welcoming me to the new destination. The sun is slowly setting, waiting to be greeted by the cool blue water. I see vibrant green palm trees dancing as the breeze blew. I roll down my windows and close my eyes, breathing in the fresh air.
Sweet home Carolina.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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