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"Hey..." the girl groaned, waking from her slumber from her own seat in the classroom she was in. As her vision started to clear, she saw a boy-literally her classmate- smiled gently at her right close to the girl's face.

Actually, there were only two chairs and two students(first year of highschool) in this classroom-specifically this special classroom for the handicapped students. It is because they have serious illness though. Takane Enomoto, a 14-year old teenage girl who have a disorder that can cause her to fall asleep spontaneously. In that case, she has problems developing with close relationship with people around her and having a twisted personality.

On the other hand, Haruka Kokonose, a 15- year old teenage boy who have a frail body and a weak health since he was a child. He was always hospitalized seeing because of that situation. Even though he is actually high in academics and have a mild personality, he still have troubles in going to high school because oh his body.

But for now...

"What do you want," Takane yawned after waking up from her sleep. An annoyed look from her face. "I just want you to see this," Haruka smiled, showing a drawing of a girl, with a black twin tails, having a hot pink shirt under the black jacket with yellow stripes, and a gas mask. "Wait, why does this drawing of yours looks a lot like me?" the girl was suprised, shocked, eyes wide open, and mouthing her words carefully.

"Ahaha..." the brunette chuckled lightly and patted her soft raven hair. "I'm just bored, that's all," he paused for a few seconds. "It's just when I see you asleep, it makes me want to draw you as a game character, so... yeah" he grinned to Takane, that made the raven blushed.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Mmhm." "You can keep it though, here" Haruka gave her his own drawing from his sketckbook, holding both of her hands while smiling gently.

"...Thanks," Takane blushed even redder while receiving the drawing. She fold it and put it safely on her bag, trying not to crumple it. Then she walked to the open window in their classroom and took a deep breath and sighed, covering her red face with her hands.

"Wait..." she thought, tapping her fingers on the window. A beautiful sunny afternoon, wind blowing softly that carressed her cheeks. "Everytime I see him, or interact with him, why did I always act like a stubborn?" she questioned herself quietly so that the boy couldn't hear what she's talking about. She took a small glance at the tall teen, probably on his seat and drawing something again. But this time, the drawing of his looks like him now.

Yeah. Why did she act like that?

Is that a question? Yes. Maybe no. It depends. "Could it be...?" she widened her eyes at the sudden realization.

"EH?!" Haruka shot up and turned to her and asked in confusion, "Eh, what's wrong, Takane?"

"N-nothing!" the raven blushed immediately in a violent red. Already embarrassed that much, she pinched the cheek of the boy's face. "Ah! Takane, it hurts!" Haruka yelled at the sudden reaction of the shorter teen. The girl immediately released the cheek of his face and covered her own hands to her red-tomato face, turning away.

"Sorry..." She muttered that was clearly heard by the brunette. "It's ok," he smiled and gently pat her right shoulder. "I know you have a twisted personality."

"I'm so sorry." the raven hugged the taller teen while the other one only laughed, ruffled her hair and hugged back as a reply. 'I love you, Haruka...' the girl thought and smiled slightly after they hugged each other.

As the days pass by, it was still the same. Happy smiles, annoyed faces, ordinary, even they were guest.

But that, one day, on their second year in highschool, they both lost their lives. Haruka had a sudden stroke, while someone administered Takane a drug. They both entered in the Heat Haze- a place where they can gain an eye ability given by the medusa with the power of her snakes- gaining an eye ability where they will be alive again. But, both of them had lost their bodies also. Instead, Takane became a computer program while Haruka became a cyber-being android. Will they be able to be human again?

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