Six - I Love You

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Key's Point of View

"Key. Key, wake up. Please." I heard Dennis's high voice beg as I opened my eyes.

"Hi Dennis." I said slowly as I smiled at him.

"Finally! You're awake!" he replied, a smiled forming across his pale face.

Then pain rushed through my knee. I remembered what happened. "Reese! Where is he?" I exclaimed.

His green eyes looked to the ground. Anger flew through me. "I will murder that little girl if I ever see her again."

Reese's Point of View

I was really confused on what Nevaeh meant. Why did she need my help. I'm just a hacker that works for Boss. "What do you want me to do. I can't do much, as you can see I am hurt."

"You'll heal soon. I didn't slice you too deep." she replied as she shrugged. "I need you to help me kill Ulrim. Simple as that."

"Simple?! Are you kidding me? He'll murder me before I even get the chance to hurt him!" I exclaimed.

"I'm going to help you. It's not gonna be as difficult as you think it will."

"I need time to think this over. Can I be alone for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure. First, I need you to promise me something." she said, her voice getting serious. "I'm going to let you out of this cell so you can go eat food and stuff. But I need you to promise not to leave this base without my consent, or I will track you down."

My eyes widened. She was going to let me roam throughout the base? I was kind of hungry. "Okay. I promise."

I looked at her eyes. They lit up with happiness and she smiled. She helped me stand up. It hurt a lot but I managed to limp with her help down to the kitchen.

When we entered together, there were three people already in there. There was girl that looked about 17 years old with blonde hair that was cut about up to her jaw. Her eyes were a light brown color and she was pretty small. Then there was a man who looked oddly familiar to me. He was ginormous. He had muscular arms with large shoulders and was at least six foot nine. His hair was a dark brown color and his eyes were green towards the pupil and faded out into a brown. Finally there was one last woman. Her hair was brunette and curly. It was about to her shoulders. She had bright green eyes and was quite curvy and pretty. She was also pretty tall.

"Guys, this is Reese. He's gonna help us get revenge on Ulrim." Nevaeh said as she smirked. She pointed to the man. "This is Gray." Then to the small girl. "This is Alondra and finally, Liz. She is basically my mom."

I forced a smile and a laugh. "H-hi." I managed.

"Well, if you're gonna help us, I guess I'll be nice to you. Just don't get any ideas with Nev. I can tell by the way you look at her." Liz said as she walked towards me. I tried to hide my blush but it didn't work. "Oh Nev. I'm going out to get some cash. If ya know what I mean." She winked at Nevaeh.

Liz walked off followed by Alondra who smiled at me. Gray studied me for a few seconds but then followed them back down the hallway. I sat down with Nevaeh at one of the tables in the room. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I didn't know what was happening to me.

Nevaeh's Point of View

I sat down with Reese at a table. His eyes were glued on me. I just smiled at him. "What do ya want to eat?" I asked.

"Uh, whatever you have. I don't want to be an inconvenience." he replied.

I got up and went to the stove and made some eggs. I made up some toast as well for the both of us. I carefully put it on two plates and walked back to him. I gave him one plate and kept one for myself. We ate in a comfortable silence. I could feel his eyes occasionally glancing up at me. Every time he did, my cheeks blushed. We finished our meals quickly, then I decided to go check on Liz.

I put our plates in the sink to be washed later. "I'll be back Reese. If I don't come back in about twenty minutes, something went wrong." He nodded back at me as I walked up the stairs.

Reese's Point of View

When Nevaeh left me alone sitting there, I yearned to go with her. To stay with her. I felt the need to go protect her. From the dangers of the world and Boss. But I had to wait. I would wait until she came back or go help her if she didn't.

Nevaeh's Point of View

The sun was setting when I walked out. I heard a cry for help. "Nevaeh!!" It was Liz. I sprinted through the woods to see Liz struggling with police officers. They had her in handcuffs. Darn Liz. She must've been caught.

I sprinted towards her. There were at least four cops trying to detain her. I took out a dagger and lunged at them. I cut one in the arm, but there were too many of them. Two more came running down the street. They grabbed my arms. I was trying to get away but I couldn't. They grabbed the dagger from my hand and threw it to the ground. They put Liz in the police car as they wrestled with me to put handcuffs on. I kept putting up a fight. I kicked one in the crotch and he winced in pain, but he still held his grip on me.

I heard noise in the woods. Reese. Please be you. Reese emerged from the woods, limping. "Reese!" I cried out. Tears forming in my eyes.

He rushed forwards towards us. A few officers went after him, but he overpowered them easily. He got rid of the extra officers but there were still officers holding on to me. Liz was able to get out of the handcuffs by taking the key from the unconscious cops. Reese ran towards me and the officers holding me. Liz came after them from behind. She knocked one unconscious at the same time Reese did. I fell from their grasp and right before I hit the ground, a pair of arms caught me.

I looked up into Reese's blue eyes. I smiled. He held me in his arms and started to lean towards me and I let him. His soft lips met with mine. His breath tasted like toast with a hint of cranberry. A feeling was in my stomach. A feeling I didn't know. I yearned to be closer to him. To have the kiss last forever.

"Um, guys? Ya know I'm still here." I heard.

Reese pulled his luscious lips away from mine. I looked over at Liz. She was looking at us with an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed over her chest. I just smiled.

Reese looked back into my eyes. "I love you Nevaeh."

The words penetrated my skin. My heart fluttered. I looked into his eyes. "I love you too."

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