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"Come here Toby!" I heard my owner yell from the other room.

"Oh brother." I thought in my head. I stretched and yawned, kneading the blanket i was laying on. I stood up and walked toward the voice.

"Ready to go?" She said with a smile on her face. I averted my eyes from her gaze and faced the cage in front of me.

"Oh no!" I meowed to her. "The vet.." I said in horror. As i was about to run, she grasped me by my stomach and lifted me up and into the cage. "This is NOT fair!" I protested. "I deserve equality! I deserve freedom!" I deserve-" She stopped my crying and tossed a treat into my cage. "Fine, but i'm not done with you." I said and hissed.

"Calm down Toby, you sound angry. Don't worry, it's just a checkup."

I sat on the doctors table as they pet and touched me all over, checking to see if there was anything wrong.

"Yeah." I snickered. "Checkup my-" I hissed. They took my temperature in one of the most uncomfortable places. "CAN YOU NOT?" I meowed towards the doctor.

"Yep, your cat seems to be doing well. Bring her in sometime next month and we'll have her fixed."

My pupils widened. "Next month?" I said angrily in my head. I was not going to be going through this once again.

I was put back in the cage and i lied on the soft blanket put inside. The cage was unlocked and slightly opened. I looked up to my owner. She was talking to someone outside of the car. I opened up the cage and took a run for it.

"Freedom! Freedom!" I meowed in delight. I ran towards the busy intersection, not paying attention to any of the cars passing by. Somehow, i made my way passed all of them. I looked back, my owner was still talking to the doctor. She hadn't even noticed that i had ran.

After hours of walking, i finally reached a small alley way with an old towel placed on the ground.

"Finally.." I panted. "A place to rest." I plopped down onto the filthy cloth and closed my eyes. Soon after, i started hearing a faint yelling.

"Scram, filthy animal!" I heard and older man yell from a distance. I perked my ears up. I started hearing a collar bell rattling and sounds of click-clacking, as if another animal was running. I closed my eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Hey! What're you doing?" I heard a male voice say. I opened my eyes and lifted my head. A German Shepherd was facing me and baring it's teeth at me. I poofed up my tail and bared my claws.

"What? I'm not doing anything." I said with a stern voice.

"That's my bed." He said with a snarl.

"Oh.." I said, beginning to fill with stupidity. "I'm sorry." I walked from off the towel and sat on the ground.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Toby. And yours?" I said, not making eye contact.


I looked at him. He grinned at me. Our eye contact was cut by the sounds of rummaging in the dumpster beside us.

We took a quick glance at each other and started toward the garbage. He motioned for me to lift it. I then did. Inside was a mouse, digging through an old McDonald's bag.

"Scoot, you rat." I heard Dexter say.

"Be nice, it's just hungry." I then realized how hungry i was. And how appetizing the rat looked.

"Aye, it's a he, and i'm a mouse. My name is Max." He said, with a gangster type accent.

"Well Max, i'm trying to find my way home. Can you help me out with that? Seems like you're good with tracking things down."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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