You did what?!

196 3 14

No one's P.O.V
Dean growled as he stomped through the house, searching for a certain fallen angel. Oh, what he would do once he got his hands on him.
"CAS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The hunter shouted as he checked his room before storming off to another. He just couldn't believe that his angel, his sweet, sassy angel, would do something like this to him. He noticed Sam and Gabriel look out of their rooms at him. "Damn, he must've done something serious." "Yeah, but what? Dean looks murderous.."

Castiel's P.O.V
I could hear Dean stomping around, sounds like he's throwing a hissyfit over something. My phone buzzed and I reached over lazily to grab it. It was a text from Gabriel.

Gabriel: hey, Dean looks PISSED. What'd you do?

Castiel: how should I know? I just woke up.

Gabriel: well good luck, hes headed in your direction. I'll pray for you lol

Castiel: stfu and go fuck Sam.

Gabriel: Way ahead of you bro.

As the footsteps grew louder I looked up from my phone and waited for the upset hunter to barge in. I could go and wait at the door for him but the bed is much more comfortable.
"Angry Dean in 3...2...1-" he was interrupted by the door slamming open.

Dean's P.O.V
I finally decide to check Cas's room, which now that I think about I should've checked first. I quickly bust open the door, causing it to slam into the wall beside it. The culprit was lying on his bed, not a care in the world and looking right at me. I strode over before pinning him down.
"Cas..... Do you know what you did wrong?.." I say, trying to allow him to explain. He looks at me and smirks, seeming to not understand how serious the situation is.
"As far as I know, the only thing wrong here is that we both still have clothes on." The angel said, grinding his hips into me. I moaned quietly before giving him a upset look.
"You can't distract me from this! Why'd you do that? Its like, a royal offense to eat my pie!" I said, frowning down at him as I let go of him and sat up.
"What? Thats what this is about? You assbutt, didnt you see that I bought you another one? I didn't even eat the first one. It fell out of the fridge." Castiel said, seeming a bit annoyed but also enjoying the flustered look on my face.
"O-oh... Um, well I didnt see that so I guess you're good. I'll just go and get some pie..." I said, quickly getting off of him and walking towards the door. It quickly shut and locked, and before I knew it I was pinned against it. I looked up at Castiel with a blush covering my face.
"You really think I'm going to let you just walk out after that?~ No, we have some things to take care of~" He said before leaning in closer and putting his lips on mine.

Me: So..... Um, what up, motherfuckers? Listen, i-
Me: ;-; I'm sorry okay? IM ONLY A POTATO TRYING TO BE THE BEST POTATO I CAN BE... Plus, wattpad was not working with me for awhile. But hey! There was some hints of stuff in there! I did a thing and I posted.
Castiel: Too bad you couldn't stay for the show, huh~?
Dean: I was amazing btw, you guys should've seen it.
Sam: I know we heard it.... _-_
Gabriel: True but y'know we probably aren't much better..
Dean: Yeah, you guys can't talk. All I ever hear is "OH YES GABRIEL OH YES AH RIGHT THERE FUCKFUCKFUCK".
Sam: *blushing intensely* stfu. You're no better....
Gabriel: *laughing his ass off on the floor* ohmyfather... That is a perfect description!..
Me: 0-0 um, so anyways, if you even still read this, awesome. i still love to hear from anyone and I love to hear what constructive criticism you may have... if there's hate, trust me, it will not be noticed. So, yeah. Bya, my lovely motherfuckers~

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