Merry Christmas!

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Sakura looked at all the Christmas decorations in her basement and sighed, how was she supposed to do this all by herself?!

'I suppose I could call a friend over... How about Ino?' Sakura tapped her chin in thought, 'Wait, I can't. She's on a date with Sai today. Hmmm, Naruto? No, too annoying. Tenten? No, out with Neji... Hinata? Oh who am I kidding, I only invite her to my party to get Sasuke-kun to come... SASUKE-KUN! Yes! I'll ask him to come over and when he does we'll finally be alone together!'

Sakura grinned evilly, it was time to ensnare her Sasuke-kun. He would finally see how amazing she was! Yes, this time it would work for sure! Sasuke would finally be hers, and stop trying to get that annoying, shy bitch.

Sakura ran into the kitchen and grabbed her cellphone. She typed the Uchiha's number, knowing it by heart, she put the IPhone up to her ear and listened to the ringing. Finally someone picked up, "Hello?" The monotoned voice made it clear that it was Sasuke.

"Hi Sasuke-kun!" She could hear an irritated sigh from the other side and passed it off as a relieved sigh. "Sakura, how did you get my number, again?" The pink-haired girl giggled, and playfully rolled her eyes, "I'll always know your number Sasuke-kun! Also, don't worry, I forgive you about forgetting to give me your new number!"

Sasuke sighed once more before answering "Yeah... I 'forgot,' anyways, what do you want? If it's to ask me to come to your party I am, I asked Hinata to be my date." Sakura cringed at the word date, but smirked anyways.

"I need your help, I can't set up all these decorations myself. I would ask someone else, but they're all busy!" She heard another sigh, and her smirk widened.

"Tch, I guess I'll help. I'll head over now." With that Sasuke hung up the phone, leaving a squealing Sakura to herself.

"Finally! I'm going to be alone, with Sasuke-kun! I can't believe it!" Sakura ran upstairs into her bedroom and dove into her closet, grabbing a skimpy 'Santa's Elf' costume. She took off her skinny jeans and slipped the miniskirt on, next she took off her crop top and looked in the mirror, scrutinizing herself, only in a mini skirt and a bra. She needed bigger boobs, if she wanted Sasuke she need them. She grabbed a package that was labeled 'Amazon' and ripped it open, inside was a bunch of artificial pills for breast enhancement and one A-cupped push-up bra, she ordered it with extra push-up.

She slipped off her other bra and put the new one on, then she slipped the costume top on, which barely went passed her nonexistent breasts.

She looked in the mirror and posed provocatively, the new bra worked perfectly! She downed a few of the pills and threw on her elf hat, she walked downstairs and right when she touched the last step, the doorbell rang.

Sakura sprinted to the door and opened it, there stood Sasuke. Her emerald eyes lit up and she smiled seductively and hugged him as she said "Sasuke-kun! So good to see you! How have you been?" Sasuke was awkwardly patting her back as she hugged him, which in his mind, lasted too long for comfort.

"Hn. Fine." He pried Sakura off from his torso and walked in, he didn't even have to look at her attire to know that she was trying to seduce him, emphasis on trying.

Sakura led him to where the decorations were in the closet, he grabbed the boxes and walked back into living room. He set the boxes down and opened one, it was full of ornaments for the tree, which was in the corner of the room, not a single ornament on it.

He sighed, "Tch, I'm starting with the tree. If you're not helping I suggest you go make some refreshments for the party tonight." Sakura nodded and hurried into the kitchen.

Sasuke grabbed some of the ornaments out of the box and began hanging them on the branches, he didn't stop to look at any of them so it when by pretty fast. Next he wrapped tinsel around the tree, accompanied by lights.

When he finished the tree, he opened the next back and it had stockings and stocking holders, he hung the decorations on the fireplace and swiftly made his way to the next box.

'Luckily I decided to meet Hinata here instead of picking her up, I don't think Sakura would've let me leave...' Sasuke rolled his eyes and began decorating again.


When Sakura finished the food she ran into her room and grabbed an envelope and ran back downstairs, the guests would be here in an hour and a half.

Plenty of time.

She walked back into the living room to see Sasuke standing on a ladder, hanging mistletoe on the ceiling. He stepped down from the ladder once he secured the mistletoe and turned to face Sakura, brushing off some dust that had somehow appeared on his shoulder, Sakura got ready to say something, but Sasuke beat her to it.

"Only one more thing left to hang."

Sakura looked around and all of the boxes were empty, "What do you mean, Sasuke-kun? There's no decorations left." She looked back at Sasuke, only to find him holding a noose.

"Where'd you get that Sasuke-kun? Please tell me you aren't hanging yourself!" Sasuke 'Tched' and shook his head no. He slowly walked towards Sakura and a mischievous glint in his eye, Sakura stood frozen as Sasuke got closer and closer until he was a breath way from her ear and whispered "Just kidding." He stepped away from the pink-haired girl and smirked.

Sakura took a breath that she didn't know she was holding and laughed shakily. "Oh Sasuke-kun! You're so funny! But I have to tell you something."

Sasuke looked at her impassively, "What is it?" It was more a demand than a question, Sakura blushed and looked at him with her best puppy eyes.

"I love you so much it hurts! If you don't accept my love I'll kill myself! I have a suicide note ready, it's right here!" Sakura took in a breath and shoved the envelope at him.

Sasuke opened the letter and read it.

Dear Sasuke-kun,

I love you too much to live on this world without you as mine. So when you didn't choose me I decided to end it, if you won't have my heart, no one can. I hanged myself in hopes that you'd come to rescue me once you felt that I was in danger.

But you never came, didn't you feel it through our bond? Didn't you feel how the air was slowly cut off from my body as I hung there, awaiting death? But now, I know that you still love me. You're just being tsundere, I know it. And don't worry, I still love you.

I always will.


Sasuke finished the letter and looked at Sakura, his face still impassive. "Good, it will make it easier when I hang you." Sakura's eyes widened in shock.

"Sasuke-kun, wh-wha-" Sakura was cut off by Sasuke who looked as if he had red in his eyes.

"As I said, only one more thing left to hang."

Naruto and Hinata walked up the walkway to Sakura's house. Naruto rang the doorbell and they waited for someone to answer.

To their surprise Sasuke answered the door, a grim expression on his face. "Yo Teme! What are you doing here?" Sasuke's eye shifted towards Naruto.

"Sakura killed herself." Sasuke's blunt answer left the two in shock. Their eyes were widened and their mouths agape, Hinata recovered first, "Why... How?..." Sasuke motioned for them to follow him and walked into the living room.

There was Sakura, in a skimpy elf outfit, hanging from the ceiling by her neck. Sasuke handed them the letter and they both read it.

Hinata set it down once she finished reading it and looked at the Uchiha. Naruto looked around and scratched the back of his neck.

"If we hide the body, can we still have the party?"

Merry Christmas Sakura! Oneshot!Where stories live. Discover now