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1. Stereotypical Gender Roles

I hate it when all the heroes are guys and all the stupid or needy characters are girls. Both genders can be heroes and be stupid and be needy! I absolutely hate gender discrimination and it doesn't happen in the Harry Potter series (in my opinion) so it shouldn't be so obvious!

2. When every guy has a crush on the girl oc.

Not every guy likes you. Even some guys don't like Jennifer Lopez, a celebrity who is praised for being beautiful; it's just not human for every character of the opposite gender to be swooning over you.

3. When every girl has a crush on the guy oc.

This bothers me too. It's not humanly or wizardly possible.

4. All Slytherin students being portrayed with the same personality but with different names and physical appearances.

No, not all Slytherins are the same. It's called humanity, fanfiction authors.

5. The absence of Hufflepuff students.

WHERE ARE THEY?! In space? Sometimes they're not mentioned by name, or mentioned as a whole, but Professor Sprout is still there? Who took the Hufflepuffs to space? Not funny, fan fiction authors. All the houses need to be mentioned throughout the book.

6. Lavender x Ron

No offense, Lavender and Ron shippers, but no. Just no. I don't ship this at all. I respect people who ship it though.

7. Voldemort resurrecting.... WITH A NOSE!

He doesn't have a nose when he dies, so if he comes back to life he needs to be EITHER Tom Riddle or Voldemort. Not Voldemort's snake-like appearance with a nose. No. Just no.

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