The Untold Story of The Sun and Moon

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Hey Guys! This is my first story so hope you like it! I hope I can do more of these in the future! Anyways hope you enjoy and let me know if I should do more story's like this!
Centuries before humans ruled the earth, two beings were created. A mother and son. The mother's name was Solange, while the son's name was Astennu. Solange was the making of the light in the sky itself, unlike Astennu who was the product of the darkness and light together. They were both were granted the gift of life to carry out their purpose, to bring the light and the dark. Solange was the one who brought the light and Astennu brought the dark. Together they co-existed in harmony as time had past.
Centuries went by and the two grew lonely, so combining their marvelous powers they had created life itself. They had created the first humans to walk the plant.
They were worshipped by the humans as their kingdoms grew. They had given them the title of 'The Risers'. Everyday they would watch as the two performed their duties to bring the light and darkness. "Bring the light!" The king would shout, and Solange would know it's time. As she would bring the light, the son would peacefully sleep.
Everyone would cheer as Solange brought the sun, they had loved her dearly. But, her son did not have that same love. Instead he was ignored and shunned, nobody had like the darkness he had brought. They had only loved the light his mother brought.
"Mother, why must I bring the darkness if the kingdom hates it?" The son would ask his mother every night. The mother would just smile and say, "No matter if they like it or not, they need the darkness. It's your duty to bring it Astennu." The boy would just nod at his mothers wise words. However, they were not enough. As days progressed, the kingdoms began to hate young Astennu and praised Solange. They had grow so angry with the young boy, that it was unsafe to leave the castle he lived inside. Meanwhile his mother was adored by everyone, nobody had felt the same hatred towards her as they did with the son.

The mother was blinded to the pain of her child. She couldn't see the unhappiness inside that grew. Every night when her son would ask, "Why don't they like me? Why can't they love me like they do you!" The mother couldn't see what was unraveling before her own eyes. Instead she would say, "Don't be ridiculous, of course they love you. Now finish your duty." She was blinded to her son's pain.

As more and more days past, the darkness that lived inside grew. His anger towards the humans grew, he was angry at his mother. He was jealous of the attention and love his mother gotten, he had only wanted the same.
He had only wanted to be loved and appreciated. Solange shadow would forever be casted over Astennu. Slowly his mind was consumed with jealousy and anger. The unhappiness he had felt had consumed him completely. The light that once lived inside him had disappeared as he slipped into the darkness completely. "I hate them! Can't they see me like how they see you! I work just as hard as you! I deserve something! I deserve their love and recognition," Astennu had complained. His mother was fast asleep as he brought the darkness. "I'm just as good as she is! Why can't they see that?!" Astennu had just stared at the sky above that grew darker, and so did his mind. The last bit of  light that lived wither the boy's heart had faded away and now he was left with a darken soul. The love that flourished within him had died. Nothing but a vengeful mind was left. "I will not be overshadowed ever again! Let the there be eternal darkness! Let the eternal night begin!" The night sky redden as the laughter of the son echoed. With his light consumed, Astennu was more powerful than he ever was and he was hungry for his revenge.

The sound of the son's laughter awoken the sleeping mother. "Astennu..." She had said as she quickly got out of her bed. She was afraid of what her son could of done, but whatever he had done it had awoken Solange from her slumber. She had ran down the halls to her son's room and quickly opened the door. Solange had walked into her son's room to only find him at the balcony with the evilest grin plastered onto his face. "Astennu...what have you done?" The mother asked fearfully as she walked towards him. "Getting my revenge! I've had enough of being overshadowed by your greatness! I will no longer sit around as the humans curse my name! They will remember me as the one who brought them an eternal  night!" The son yelled. The mother was heartbroken at her son's pain. For the first time, she could see clearly how hurt her son was. The anger, the hatred, and the jealousy had infested the boy's soul. "Stop this madness immediately!" The mother had yelled back, with sadness clear in her voice.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Mother," The boy hissed.  Solange stood tall as she glared at her son. "Then you leave me no choice but to fight you," The mother said, with tears fresh in her eyes. The son glared before yelling, "I'm more powerful than before! You will die if you try to defeat me!" The son's angry eyes met his mother's sad ones. "The so be it."
The began to fight, blasting each other with their power. The power between the two was greater than anything you could imagine. As the scene unraveled the mother felt her soul break. She couldn't bring herself to hurt her own son, no matter how evil he was. "Stop this Astennu! Stop before someone gets hurt," Solange demanded as she blocked her son's attacks. The anger radiated off Astennu as he yelled, "And that someone will be you!" The mother's eyes widen as she was blasted backwards and landed on the ground harshly. Her bright sunny eyes grew dull as she knew what had to be done. She couldn't kill her own son, but what else she could do was twice as horrifying. Solange closed her eyes as her son charged full speed towards her broken body. "Forgive beautiful son," She whispered as she raised her arms and used the last bit of her magic. The son's eyes widen as he was blasted back by his mother's power. "NO!" The son screamed as his body floated to the sky. The mother watched as her son became a big  circle in the night sky. "I'm so sorry," She mumbled as she took her finale breath. She couldn't bear to go on without her son, so she let go of her body as she became the opposite of her son. She had became a bright glowing ball that brought light.
As years went on, they were called many things but only one name had stuck. The Sun and Moon. The humans had remained oblivious to the sacrifice that was made, the one that gave them the Sun and Moon. They were forgotten. They suffer every night and day as they remain trapped in the Sun and Moon for the rest of eternity. The son would never see his mother again and the mother would never see her son once more. Till this day, they remain trapped inside waiting till they could be reunited once more.
The End.
Hoped you enjoy! Don't forget to leave a like or comment! Love you all! Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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