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sorry i havent updated in forever i yave been really busy,  but i hope you enjoy this chaper x

3 months later
Harrys P.O.V

The last 3 months have sucked.  Eleanor is a really nice girl.  But i dont like her and i know that sounds really rude but i cant help it.  Maybe i dont hate her maybe im just jelouse that she gets to hold my boyfriends hand and kiss&cuddle him in public  She doesnt even do it right,  Louis doesnt put the effort with her, or anything really anymore he has just lost all appitite to do anything and i feel really bad for him.  Eleanor has to stay over sometime so the paps can get a few snapshots of her leaving Louis house.

Me and Louis made a deal that if a fan asked us to our face that we would not deny it because we cant lie to the people who brought us together but if in interviews or on twitter someone asks us we have to ask like 'his girlfriend' is real but managment technically own "my" twitter and Louis and it gets quite boring actually. 

So in the last 3 months not much has happend really apart from like the worst thing ever. 

so yeah nothing intresting has happend.....

until now.

Louis is out on a 'date'  with Eleanor.  hm she should really be at that college shes at so she can earn her money.  Shes never there,  its a wonder she has all this designer stuff and hasnt been kicked out yet.

The door knocked and i thought it was just going to be Louis or one of the boys.  I opened the door and just stood there in shock and wide eyes.

"hello styles"  a deep voice echo'd through my ears.

"you really shouldnt be here i think you should go" i tell the dressed in black,  covered in tattoos and peircings

"whats the matter, you dont want to get attached to me ,  again"  he whispered coming closer to me"

"josh"i say under my voice  "whats happend"

This is not the josh that i know just about 5 months ago he came to vist me at x-factor and he looked like my ex-boyfriend, sweet and innocent now he looks like a criminal and i dont like where this is going.

I tell Josh to stop walking closer or i will call the police,  Louis could walk in any minute and he knows Josh and I had a past.  He doesnt listen he grabs my shoulders and turns me around and grabs my hands together so they were behind me and he led me into the bedroom.

'Josh,  stop yo-'

'shut up,  harry you hurt me and im going to hurt you' he almost screams.

i stop trying because he is stronger than me,  and i know what is going to happen.

He pushes me on the bed and i fall breathing hard and my eyes watering.  i let out a scream till i realise that my house is on a private land and that Louis wont be for another hour and a half because he is out of town.  This is it.

he is going to rape me.

I give in he is so much stronger than me and i cant put up a fight.  He starts to undo his belt and i close my eyes.

i open my eyes and come faced with his penis.   'no'

he opens my mouth and puts his,  you know, in. 

he moves his hips in and out and i have to go along with what is happening,  if i dont he could hurt me or even worse Louis and i cannot let that happen. 

He grabbed the hem of my joggies and pulled them down i really dont want him to touch my dick.  Louis hasnt even did that yet.  He grabs my sides and turns me over and he did something unexpected.  He pulls my boxers down and i let out a cry.


Josh lets out a moan and i let out a cry.  This is the sorest thing that has ever happend and he is going really slow.  'stop'  i repeat over and over again but this just causes him to go faster and me to let out a really loud scream.  But that doesnt stop him. The door downstrairs opened and Josh jumped of of me and climbed out the window and ran away,  there wasnt even a tree to help him down. 

I pull up my bottoms and just in time Louis walks in the room and looks at me sitting on the bed with my elbows on my knees and hands over my face.  He comes over and notices my tears and wipes them away.  thankfully he didnt ask what was wrong with me he just kissed my cheek and pulled me down to lie on the bed and fall asleep in his arms.

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