Coming Back To Japan

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Reader's POV

After a long long years of me and Yamaguchi's departure, I can finally come back to Japan! But I hope that he cans still remember me, after all my life did change a bit but it doesn't matter, the main problem is, will I ever be able to meet him again? I've heard from some people saying that if someone thinking of someone really hard, they might be able to find the other person in their mind, I think that if that works I might as well give it a try.

Oh, I forgot to tell you all about me new school. Its Karasuno, its a pretty popular school for their volleyball.

As I face down to Karasuno with my school bag, I made sure that I was at the correct place since it was a long time that I came back to Japan. Looking at the student's uniform, I can tell that I am at the right school, I walked into the school wandering around trying to not get very stand out but I think I might have failed due to my pink hair which stands out in the crowd of dark haired students and my face makes me look like a foreigner. 

As I headed near by the trees, I heard some squeaky noise which I had to cover my ears while walking closer to discover my curiosity of the squeaky noise, I slid the door quietly as possible and sneaked in and as soon as I realized that it was a gym, a volleyball smacked right at my shoulder which made me whine in pain. Many players stopped and looked at me like ' How the heck' Or "Are you okay?" Stood up and scanned around before bowing down as an apology,  some players of the volleyball team  went up to me and checked if I were okay and some stood there shocked, a short boy screamed, " AHH I'M SORRY MISS!"  I tilted my head and said, "Its alright?" As I look around for a bit more something caught my eyes which made them widen.

It was Yamaguchi staring right at me with the same reaction I'm having. 

I stuttered saying the word Yamaguchi, so did he it was intensely awkward and shocking at the same time. I walked over to Yamaguchi calmly and once  was close enough to him, BOOM! I jumped on him. Many people gasped at me since that  a beauty was hugging a freckled boy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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