part 10

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Arnav: khushi u can also join us if u want.
Khushi: I also need to buy so I will join u .
Arnav: ok,completed the work?
Khushi: yes, I have completed . I want to talk to u about a project.
Arnav: ok come to my room.
Khushi goes to arnav room.
Khushi: arnavji , don’t try to unite me and akash,I know that u know that I am akash sister. Stay away from me.

Arnav: how do u know all this.
Khushi: i have security for my phone as I know people like u will search others phone.
Arnav: how dare u speak like that. I didn’t do It wantedly . I just took it to verify that’s it. He says this in a angry tone.
Khushi: whatever it is u did a wrong thing. U should apologize to me.
Arnav: I don’t want to answer to u ,who doesn’t have the ability to keep her family and that is why I think so ur brother left u. u r such an cheap girl.
Khushi: what?
She starts recollecting the same words spoken by arnav . she gets dizzy and falls.
Arnav: khushi what happen? Arnav tries waking her up she didn’t wake up.
Arnav calls everyone and makes khushi to lie down in his bed.
Anjali: get water.
Anjali sprinkles water.
Khushi wakes.
Anjali: what happen khushiji?
Khushi: nothing Anjali. I have to prove something to some one. I am not getting what should I prove.

Nani: what r u blabbering khushi.
Khushi: nothing nani I am fine.
Akash: what happened,will u get dizzy often?
Khushi: not like that akashji. She sees time and thinks she have to go to buy jewellery.
Khushi: I am leaving ,sorry,I have to go outside ,already there is no time.
Anjali: take rest and go na?
Khushi: no Anjali,I have to go out now compulsorily.
Anjali: ok, but I will ask chote to drop u ?
Khushi: ok. I should go .
Arnav asks akash to accompany him.
Khushi: leave me here sir, I want to but jewellery for shagun.
Akash: can we also come.
Khushi: ur wish.
Khushi buys a bracelet for shagun and buys 4 rings .
Khushi: shopping over .
Akash: we will drop u.
Khushi: ok.

Khushi gets into the car and asks her to drop her in a super market.
They drop her.
Khushi buys a 200 diary ilk chocolate and comes out to catch a auto.
Arnav: we are here only come we will drop u where u want.
Khushi: I have a doubt .
Arnav: doubts later ,get in. where u want to go now.
Khushi asks them to go to the NGO office.
Akash: why r u going here?
Khushi: I am going to my mother in law house do u want to come,what kind of questions u r asking. I am going to ngo office ok bye. Don’t wait for me.
Khsuhi goes into NGO office.
Arnav: she knows that u know that she Is ur sister.
Akash: how can she?
Arnav: she found that using her mobile phone.
Akash: she is very clever.
Arnav: yes. Come lets go and have dinner and go .

Khushi goes into the office she goes to meet vandita.
Khushi: hello mam .
Vandu: hi khushi what r u doing here?
Khsuhi: mam I came to give sweet for my shagun’s birthday.
Vandu:so sweet of u. khushi can u help me.
Khushi: yes mam,any case?

Vandu: u r an ngo officer,can u help this case. Here is the details.
Khushi: sure mam. Who Is the sufferer.
Vandita: she is pallavi. She is the sufferer.
Khushi: do u have evidence?
Pallavi: yes I have but none of the lawyers are ready to accept my case. They r also discriminating me as I am a women.
Khushi: this one is itself enough. When is ur case timing?
Pallavi: tomorrow.
Khushi: then come with me to my home today we will go from my home to the court directly.
Vandu: khushi I know u r going to resign , let it be the last case u handle.
Khushi: ok.
Khushi and pallavi leaves.

In raman’s house.
Raman: ishu, please don’t torture me giving ur dosa for dinner ya. Very boring.
Ishita: sorry raman. Adjust for 1 day. Tomorrow Mamiji will come.
Raman: its all my fault. I should have married a Punjabi inspite I have married a tamilian who kills me with her sambar.
Ishita: raman. Do u want a Punjabi girl right.
Raman: yes.
Ishita: oh mr.bhalla u r going to suffer for insulting me?
Raman: ishita , u saw that day in a meeting a girl named rita right,she is also a Punjabi better I will ask her for marriage.
Ishita: raman and starts beating him. Do u want a Punjabi girl and starts chasing him.
Raman starts running. He falls on the ground.
Ishita: hare wa ravan kumar bhalla u fell in ground.
Raman: ishi ishita please help me. Omg its paining a lot.
Ishita helps him and applies balm to his shoulders .

Khushi and pallavi leaves from there in auto
Few goon in a bike came and stopped the auto.
Goon1: stop the auto, come out pallavi.
Khushi: pallavi,who r they.
Pallavi: they r the goons of the chairman of the hospital.
Khushi: come down. We will face them.
Goon 2: points the gun towards khushi and blackmails pallavi to give the evidence.
Meanwhile arnav and akash come in the way .
Akash: hey see is it khushi?
Arnav: yes it si khushi,I think she is in some problem they go there crossing the road.
Khushi: sir please leave me. I didn’t do it and starts crying.
The goon got symphatetic towards her and took of the gun.
Khushi kicked the goon and took the gun and placed it in the goon’s head.
Khushi: if u want ur friend then tell that the chairman only told to do this.
Goon: why should we obey u?
Khushi shoots two sides to make the goons afraid.
Khushi: u know what I will do. I am trained in shooting.
Goons accept and pallavi records that.
Khushi: thank u so much bhaiya ji. U made my work easier. Bye.
Khushi and pallavi leaves by walking.
Arnav and akash sees this and gets shocked.
Akash: khushi what were u doing there?

Khushi: I was fighting for justice.
Arnav: with gun ah..
Khushi: I am an ngo officer who fights for women and justice.
Akash: in ngo they are teaching u to how to use gun?
Khushi: why should I answer ur this questions?
Akash: because………..
Khushi: because……. What. Please stop. Ok bye.
Arnav: we will drop u.
Khushi: no thanks ,my house is nearby only and leaves.
Arnav: what the.
Akash: arnav cool.
Khushi takes pallavi to raman’s house.
She rings the bell.
Shagun opens it.
Khushi: shagun, u here?
Shagun: raman called me. I thought of calling u but u itself came. Who is with u.
Khushi: ngo case.
Shagun: enjoy come in . what is ur name?

Pallavi: pallavi.
Khushi: did u bring my clothes?
Shagun: yes .
They get in .
Khushi: pallavi u explain me about the case shagun, I will be back in few minuites.
Pallavi explains her.
Khushi: I was the one who complained about the hospital first. Don’t worry ,I will get justice for ur husband.
Pallavi: thank u here is the evidence of them speaking and the goon’s admitting.
Khushi takes it and asks her to sleep.
Khushi comes out.
Khushi: wow superb smell . ishita…
Ishita: I am making ur fav today that is chappati with paneer butter masala.
Khushi: thank u so much bhabi. But u can make shagun’s fav dishes na?
Ishita: no tomorrow is her day. So tomorrow only I will make it.


ishra And ArshiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang